Journal of European Psychology Students
The Journal of European Psychology Students (JEPS) is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access journal published by EFPSA and is open for submissions from psychology students worldwide.
JEPS’ main task is the publishing of journal articles written by students. We are not restricted to a specific field, but welcome articles of every topic related to psychology.
Furthermore, JEPS runs a blog–the JEPS Bulletin–where students can read up on the world of psychological science. Here the JEPS team publishes various articles, e.g., interviews with scientists or posts related to scientific writing or improving your data analysis.
Guest contributions are always welcome as well (just write to us at journal@efpsa.org)!
Target audience
As a student journal, JEPS addresses students who want to publish their own scientific work. This can be a Bachelor’s or Master’s Thesis but also studies that were done outside of a university - like a scientific project in the EFPSA Junior Researcher Program, during an internship, or even a self-made literature review. We take submissions from students as long as it is an article from the field of psychology or related fields (e.g. cognitive or neuroscience, scientific methodology/applied statistics, or behavioral science). Articles from Ph.D. students or professional researchers are excluded.
Publication criteria
JEPS strives for sound research within the articles to be published. Sound research means that the implementation of a study follows an ethical and logical basis, the methodology is implemented thoroughly, and that the conclusions of the study are based on comprehensive evidence from the data. It is very important to remark that JEPS does not see statistical significance as a reason to publish or reject a paper - the important criteria are that the study was conducted soundly and that the conclusions are coherent with the presented evidence.
An article that is submitted to JEPS must not be considered by or submitted to another publication outlet (publicly available bachelor’s or master’s theses are exempt from this criterion, as well as preprints).
Publication Process
How does the publication process look like when you decide to publish an article in JEPS? JEPS has a multilevel process to ensure scientific standards - just like other psychological journals. During the whole process, the focus of JEPS editors is to work closely together with you to improve the quality of your article and to guide you through the publication process.
Submission: First you create a free account on our website and upload your paper as a submission.
Technical Review: After your paper is submitted, an Editor from the JEPS-Team will be assigned to perform the Technical Review. Here, we will check whether the article follows the criteria of the JEPS Submission Guideline (i.e., mostly adhering to the APA Manual) and if the text is well-structured. You will receive feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of your article and appropriate suggestions towards its improvement. After all formal shortcomings have been corrected, your article will go on to the next stage: the Content Review.
Content Review: In Content Review, your article will be reviewed by one of our Associate Editors (PhD-Students or Postdocs) and assigned to at least two external reviewers. This is analogous to the review process in other scientific journals to ensure publication quality.
The key difference is that in JEPS, you will receive in-depth feedback on the scientific rigor of your study and clarity of presentation in the article. This will help you identify possible shortcomings or mistakes in your demonstration of the research process, so that you may draw the appropriate conclusions from your research. Furthermore, this will help you with subsequent endeavours in scientific writing.
Final Editing
Copyediting: Once your article successfully demonstrates its adherence to JEPS’ standard of quality, it will be forwarded to a cCopyeditor, who will do the final grammar check-up. The copyeditor and the author will be in direct communication to resolve these stylistic issues.
Layout Editing: After Copyediting, the paper goes to the JEPS Editors once more. The Editor in charge of the manuscript will format the article’s layout into its final version, so that it may be ready for publication.
Proofreading: The article will be proofread one last time by the Editor-in-Chief or the Senior Editor and then the publication process will be completed – and you have your first scientific publication in JEPS!
Open Access
Another important aspect of JEPS is our commitment to Open Access. This means that all published articles are freely available to readers. Open Access publications have many advantages, e.g., being available to the general public, therefore increasing readership and citation rates (see our position paper on Open Access).
JEPS has publication costs as many other journals do, too - but only when these are covered by your university which they often do for students. Many universities also offer funding opportunities for Open Access where JEPS usually meets all relevant criteria.
How you benefit from submitting an article to the Journal of European Psychology Students:
- First publication in a peer-reviewed, open-access journal already during your studies;
- Constructive feedback during the whole publication process;
- The article processing charge (APC) will be waived should your school/university not cover those;
- Guaranteed publication of good quality papers (regardless of the results’ significance)
For more information, follow us here:
JEPS: https://jeps.efpsa.org
JEPS Bulletin: http://blog.efpsa.org
JEPS on Facebook: fb.me/efpsa.jeps
JEPS on Twitter: @efpsa_jeps

About RP
The EFPSA Research Programme (EFPSA RP) is an EFPSA Service, consisting of a twelve month research programme that involves students, PhD and postdoctoral researchers and established academics. This programme offers a unique opportunity to develop research abilities, academic, teamwork, leadership and interpersonal skills. All Research Summer School participants completing the training programme and committing to the research project are invited to join the EPFSA RP. The EFPSA Research Programme was formerly known as EFPSA Junior Research Programme. The EFPSA Service received a new name in 2019.

The EFPSA RP was developed to meet the needs of RSS research projects by supplying framework, guidance and academic support to students and supervisors throughout the duration of each project. The primary purpose of the EFPSA RP is to provide a structure by which all research groups are able to complete and submit all EFPSA RP research for dissemination within a twelve month period after the RSS.
Highlights of the programme include publication of methodology papers in the EFPSA Journal of European Psychology Students (JEPS), presentation of work to-date during the annual EFPSA Congress. In the past, presentation were held at the Junior Researcher Programme Conference (JRPC). In order to give the research teams a bigger audience, more opportunities and a better place to present their research project, the Research Teams are now invited to the upcoming annual EFPSA Congress after the RSS. This change was introduced in 2019.
The programme is run by the EFPSA RP Team which consists of the RP Coordinator, the RP Research Responsible, and RP Team Member. The EFPSA RP is supported by the EFPA Advisory Board.
How it works
The EFPSA (European Federation of Psychology Students’ Associations) Research Programme (RP) is a twelve month research programme that involves students, PhD and postdoctoral researchers and established academics. This programme offers a unique opportunity to develop research abilities, academic, teamwork, leadership and interpersonal skills. Each year there are at least six teams that each consist of six undergraduate or master students led by a PhD or a postdoctoral researcher.
The Researcher Programme (RP) aims to meet needs of the Research Summer School (RSS) research projects by supplying framework, guidance and academic support to students and supervisors throughout the duration the project.
In all, there are four stages of RP involvement:
- Attendance at the Research Summer School (RSS)
- Completion of methodology papers (short literature reviews + methods/ethics/issues section) in the six months post-RSS
- Presentation of work completed at annual EFPSA Congress
- Submission of methodology papers to JEPS’ Work-in-Progress Reports
Current Projects
Identity development is the primary psychosocial task of adolescence (Erikson, 1950), and over the past decade, young people have increasingly been using social networking sites (SNSs) as platforms for self-expression, self-construction, and identity exploration. Interestingly, scholarship concerning SNSs and adolescent identity development has been dominated by the notion that such platforms represent convenient and powerful venues for self-disclosure and selfpresentation. However, as SNSs provide opportunities for, and at times prompt, their users to express themselves online, they also afford individuals abundant opportunities for social comparison. Whilst scholars have started to investigate the consequences of SNS social comparisons, much of the extant literature has concerned the negative psycho-emotional outcomes of such comparisons, rather than their identity implications.
To help shed some light on this gap in the literature, this project seeks to determine how comparisons of ability and opinion on popular SNS (such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) associate with adolescent identity. Furthermore, it also aims to examine who adolescents are comparing themselves to on SNSs, and consider whether different comparison targets (such as friends/strangers or similar/dissimilar others) may have different implications for adolescent identity.
Edward Noon (Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom)
The rapid technological development changes the current educational environment. The easy access to the internet, in which learners predominantly interact with the information, impacts the instructions for adaptive study behavior. On one hand, evidence demonstrates that internet-based technology can provide increased learning gains. On the other hand, some studies display that the internet environment leads to maladaptive learning strategies and decreased cognitive functions. Students should be taught to increase their study control and monitor their time spent on task within internet-based learning environment. However, there is a little evidence that would show how does time monitoring manifest in the internet environment. The current study examines the students’ monitoring accuracy of time spent on a set of logic tasks. The findings of the study will open a new getaway to a research based educational practice that encourages students’ strategic behavior within internet-based learning environment.
Ondrej Pesout (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic)
Graphic realism and enjoyment or likability is a heuristic used in CGI design, with characters and graphic rendering becoming more and more realistic. However, if the graphic design of a human face becomes too real, it can decrease likability, creating the ‘uncanny valley phenomenon’. This was primarily focused on robotics from the 1970s but has been adapted to more modern human representations in graphics. However, since emotion perception and expression can differ culturally and with the increasing prevalence of digital graphics in media, it would be vital to understand this effect cross culturally. It is important to note that realism exists on a spectrum from a circle, dots and lines to denote a face to a fully rendered dinosaur attacking. Yet, emotion can be elicited or perceived in both contexts. However, much research on graphic realism relies on still images rather than realistic videos of moving characters. Therefore, understanding which kind of realism appeals to different cultures may increase design capability in the future using videos of rendered CGI characters. Lastly, previous similar research by the supervisor focused on video games characters and since they appear in media involving violence and aggression as well as highly lucrative and well-known forms of entertainment, it is suggested to use video games characters in this research.
Catherine Friend (Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland)
Empathy, the ability to interpret and appreciate the mental states of others, is essential for effective communication and to navigating the social world. Research has suggested that reading fiction may enhance people’s empathic abilities, through the communication of social knowledge. However, fiction-engagement occurs via an increasing range of formats, including reading on paper and onscreen, listening to audiobooks, streaming TV, and playing interactive computer games. This project aims to take an experimental approach in order to establish the effects of digital versus non-digital modes of engagement with fiction, on empathic abilities. This research project addresses the topic of communication in the digital age through an examination of the effects of fiction-engagement on empathic abilities. Fictional stories transmit social knowledge, and the evolution of the human capacity to share in stories is thought to be key to successful communication and cooperation. Because fiction centres on humans or humanlike agents and their interactions, research has shown that it can enhance empathic abilities, the skillset associated with effective interpersonal communication and understanding. However, fiction-engagement occurs via an increasing range of formats, and research has indicated that the medium impacts the message. Using an experimental approach, this project will address the research question: What are the effects of engaging with fiction via digital and non-digital formats on people’s empathic abilities?
Rose Turner (Kingston University, United Kingdom)
Schema Therapy provides a needs-focused framework for addressing mental health problems and has been successfully used for treating personality problems, and, more recently, emotional disorders. Less is known, however, about how its principles can be used in a self-help format. The proposed research aims to preliminarily test a standalone mobile application combining behavioral activation with schema-focused techniques, targeted at users with depressive symptoms.
A needs-based approach is at the heart of Schema Therapy as a psychotherapeutic practice. This involves teaching the client to become aware of their core needs (such as connection or competence) and to pursue them in adaptive ways. So far, research on Schema Therapy has mostly focused on personality pathology or other chronic mental health problems. Less is known about how this approach can be used with clients suffering from less severe mental health problems, particularly in a self-help context. The proposed research project aims to assess the usability and feasibility of a Schema Therapy-based self-help mobile application for depressive symptoms that adds a needs-based component to behavioral activation. Namely, in addition to the more classical aspect of scheduling valued activities (underpinning behavioral activation), the concept of the proposed application revolves around educating users to become aware of their core unmet needs and around providing guidance and encouragement in terms of identifying and carrying out meaningful activities on these lines.
Paula Stroian (Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
The EFPSA RP approach to safety, integrity and transparency in research
As the EFPSA RP has continuously improved standards for scientific work across many disciplines in psychology, we have also redoubled our efforts to ensure that any work supported through the programme expresses a clear commitment to ethical guidelines even while carried out through a variety of institutions, countries and languages. While we are neither a university nor a programme with a fixed location, we still approach ethics as the first and most important element of each project. During the RSS training, there are several explicit discussions surrounding ethics where the below elements are presented. For each of these, it is made abundantly clear that, even with ambiguity and variance between many locations/institutions on how to approach ethics for international projects, we demand transparency and clear records on how ethical approval was obtained for each study and testing location. Beginning in 2013, we have decided to make those steps public as a means to reference and better understand our approach and ultimately our research. This section is thus a description of how we advise our groups to gain ethical approval but we underline that such endorsement does not come from the RP itself.
1. Research Supervisor Institution
Before being offered a position to lead one of the six RP research groups each year, prospective Supervisors are required to guarantee that they have access to a standing ethics committee in their institution. As part of this process, Supervisors must also ensure that they have guidance on how to remain ethical if/when testing in a location beyond the scope of their own institution.
2. Junior Researcher Institution
For our researchers still studying or otherwise engaged in universities who wish to claim affiliation with an institution, we require that they notify their respective faculties/departments of the work as soon as the RSS is complete and the Supervisor has received ethical approval. As each university varies in terms of student project ethical guidelines, we do not have a standing approach to the next steps but explicitly request all participants ensure they have received written approval of this project from an authorised source locally or their own full ethical review, if required. We then advise our groups to have these documents translated into the appropriate languages for immediate production if requested.
3. Testing Location
Many of our projects move on to test in non-university environments, such as schools, community centres and other established organisations. Much like with universities, not all institutions have the same (or even standing) guidelines on how permission is granted to test among their membership. For this reason, we advise our groups to contact the organisation as soon as they are certain of their data collection plans to get details on how permission to collect data should be gained. Sometimes this is as simple as a short email where others require higher authorities (e.g. education ministries, local councils) to provide authorisation.
4. Affiliation
The above steps must be followed before the RP will assign affiliation for any team member to project outputs. This is done to protect universities and institutions of our members to ensure they are not linked to work without their direct knowledge. This may not always equate to ethical review in each location, but at least an acknowledgement from an authorised source from a recognised institution which may be listed as a participant in the project must confirm awareness without reservation about the research. All outputs from the work should then be reported back to both the affiliated institutions and, as established in other commitment documents, to the RP.
In some circumstances where team members are unable to list an affiliation (e.g. recent graduation, not possible receive affiliation in current institution, etc; NOTE: not in the case of ethical approval being denied), we offer RP as an official option. The same protocols must be followed for this as all other affiliation requested described above, though we explicitly note that in these instances, RP may not be the sole affiliation for any individual or group collecting data, nor does this affiliation represent ethical approval.

About the Social Impact Initiative
In the context of EFPSA, ‘Social Impact’ refers to an initiative aiming to make use of psychological knowledge in order to have a positive and significant impact on society. The initiative was introduced into the portfolio of EFPSA’s activities in April 2013, and the Social Impact Initiative Team (SII-Team) has been working on six distinct projects in order to reach their aims. The main three projects are: “Mind the Mind – to Combat the Stigma of Mental Disorders”, which is the biggest of them all; “Organised Acts of Kindness”, “Better Together”,“(A)live!”, and“PlanetA”.
Through an enthusiastic network of psychology students, activists and friends of EFPSA, we hope to reach as many people as possible, raise awareness, educate, find support and advocate topics we consider important to the European community. The Social Impact Initiative Team works over a mandate of one year and consists of a Coordinator, five Project Responsibles, Team Members, and an Image as well as Data Management Responsible.
You can follow our work and progress on the following social media pages/accounts:
The “Mind the Mind – to Combat the Stigma of Mental Disorders” campaign, aims to educate primary and secondary-level students (aged from 13 to 14, and 15 to 18) as well as the general public, about mental health and mental disorders while working to decrease negative beliefs and stigma toward individuals affected by mental disorders. The stigma of mental disorders is a widespread phenomenon in Europe, causing substantial harm to the wellbeing of the individuals with mental disorders and society collectively.
Taking advantage of their psychological background and implementing the pre-existing research in the area, the Social Impact Initiative team created a kit on the topic of stigma of mental disorders; with detailed instructions on how to organise and deliver a workshop. The workshop materials have been reviewed by experts in the field of stigma and are specifically tailored for three target groups: primary and secondary-level students, and adults. The purpose of this workshop is to help students understand complex topics such as mental health and mental health problems through the use of videos, role-play, games and discussions. There are two types of workshops with a duration of 45 or 90 minutes.
Additional Material on Mind the Mind:
Campaign Structure
The campaign coordination involves several channels:
- The Social Impact Initiative Team
- National Coordinators within different European countries help Local Coordinators to organise the campaign locally
- Local volunteers who conduct the workshops
The Social Impact Initiative Team provides assistance and mentorship to all national coordinators. The National Coordinators’ tasks include: translating materials from English to their national language, helping Local Coordinators with their tasks and recruiting new National and Local Coordinators for the next wave of the campaign. The Local Coordinators’ tasks include: promoting the campaign in their respective country and region, recruiting volunteers, contacting schools to schedule workshops, as well as organising training for volunteers. A ‘trainer’ is responsible for preparing the volunteers to deliver the workshop properly. During the training, volunteers review the workshop material, practice it, enhance presentation and communication skills, discuss potential problems and assess how the workshop will unfold with a specific group. The volunteers are then equipped to be the ones delivering the workshop to the students.
The workshop starts with an introduction on mental disorders and encourages students to discuss their perceptions of it. Afterwards, volunteers facilitate a discussion about mental disorders while providing examples and basic facts. The workshop also presents causes of mental disorders using the multifactorial model of mental disorders’ development, and challenges the common misconception that the individual is to be blamed for their mental health problems. To illustrate some daily experiences of people affected by mental disorders and the irrational fears of society towards these people, videos of individuals who experience mental disorders are shown. These videos are used as prompts to encourage discussion regarding what kind of role the social environment has in regards to how a person manages mental disorders. Finally, students are provided with guidelines on how to approach individuals struggling with a mental disorder and information about where to seek help.
As part of their psychology studies, volunteers acquire the relevant specialist knowledge about human experience and behavior.
All volunteers undergo a standardized and mandatory training program to prepare them for conducting workshops. In addition to familiarization with the topics and workshop material, the focus is also on learning didactic concepts and interactive workshop design. A specially designed training also trains the volunteers' presentation skills and ability to deal with sensitive group situations.
In addition, the sensitive handling of students' experiences and an appropriate, appreciative way of responding to contributions are regularly included in the local groups together with the coordinators. After having delivered workshops, volunteers exchange ideas with each other in order to grow from the experiences they have already gained and to develop together.
Get in touch!
You are studying psychology (at Bachelor's, Master's, or PhD level) and would like to take part in the Mind the Mind campaign? The prerequisite for this is a current degree in psychology or one completed no more than two years ago. In addition to the workshops, we have regular meetings within our local groups. This involves organizational matters, such as the acquisition of schools or project marketing, as well as content-related matters, such as dealing with the various mental disorders and the preparation and debriefing of the workshops. In addition, we also focus on personal development, the focus is on getting together and, in particular, working together for a good cause.
There is no local group at your city yet? Contact us below to find out how you can set up your own local group and make Mind the Mind grow and thrive in your area!
Feel free to reach out to the Mind the Mind campaign with your inquiries via projects@efpsa.org. We are looking forward to it!
Also, check out our social media work on Instagram to stay tuned with the latest developments and updates! @efpsa_mindthemind
History of Campaign
The “Mind the Mind – to Combat the Stigma of Mental Disorders” campaign was launched for the first time in October 2014. In total, 19 European countries participated in the first wave of the campaign, out of which 13 finished the campaign. The first wave ended in June 2015, with about 250 workshops being delivered across Europe. The start of this campaign was considered a big success.
The Social Impact Initiative team analysed the feedback given by the Local Coordinators and the volunteers involved, in order to improve the workshop material. The changes introduced in the second wave consisted of new videos and interactive games, such as role-play activities. Taking into consideration the interests of students according to their age, the activities were divided into two groups: for older students (17 to 18 years old) and for younger ones (15 to 16 years old). The team also included more materials and handouts displaying myths and facts about mental disorders to share with students. Lastly, a shorter version of the workshop lasting 45 minutes was introduced to make it easier for the schools to fit it into their schedules. The entire material of the new workshop was reviewed and approved by experts once again.
The second wave of the campaign started in August 2015 with 23 European countries participating. The coordinating team decided to adapt the materials also for primary school students (11 to 14 years old) and adults (18+ years old). The latter one can also be divided into two groups, based on their previous knowledge of psychology and mental disorders: non-psychology students and students of psychology and related professions.
After the second wave, the evaluations were collected from local coordinators, volunteers and trainers, as well as from high-school students who were involved in the campaign. The evaluation showed a general reduction in stigmatising beliefs of students, and this decrease was especially prominent in those students who had very stigmatizing beliefs at the beginning of the workshop (Cohen’s d= 0.84). A large majority of them also saw the workshop as interesting, useful, pleasant and educational. Around two thirds of the students agreed with the statement that they would like to have a workshop like that again.
The third wave of the campaign started in 2016/2017. The materials were further improved according to the participants’ evaluations and the suggestions from experts. The third wave included 23 countries, in which 54 LCs were responsible for running the campaign. Around 1150 volunteers were involved, out of which around 400 eventually got the certificates for participation after they had participated in the training for volunteers, held at least 180 minutes of workshops (i.e. two longer workshops, four shorter ones or corresponding combinations), and filled in the evaluation questionnaire.
The fourth wave of the campaign started in 2017/2018 when the materials were again revised based on the evaluations from the previous wave, and the experts’ suggestions. An important addition to the workshops were leaflets distributed afterwards, informing the participants about the places providing free professional mental lth advice and help. The purpose is to facilitate help seeking behavior in addition to lowering the stigma as the main goal of the workshop. The leaflets offer specific behavioral measures for children and youth with mental health issues. It has been known that half of all mental health problems develop before the age of 14 and the sooner young people act upon them, the more successful the treatment outcomes typically are. The campaign has grown bigger than ever starting with 26 countries and involving 75 Local Coordinators, but only 48 Local Coordinators carried on their work together with a total of 1250 volunteers.
The fifth wave started in 2018/19. As in the previous years, the materials were adapted according to the received feedback. There were 27 countries with 70 LCs in the beginning of the wave, but only 47 Local Coordinators continued with their work in 47 countries. There were 1182 volunteers involved.
The sixth wave started in 2019/20. The materials were again adapted and 77 Local Coordinators from 28 countries started to make an impact. This wave was also special as the EYF grant was awarded to the project, which enabled the SII team to cover more expenses but also to create its own merchandise. The merch, consisting of water bottles, markers, pins and stickers, was sent to Local Coordinators for them to distribute it among their volunteers and promote the campaign. The wave ended with only 46 LCs and 1273 volunteers from 24 countries, as the covid-19 pandemic completely stopped our activity from approximately February until the end of the wave.
The seventh wave (2020/21) ended in July with the contribution of 16 out of the 19 countries which participated in the campaign. This wave had for the first time in Mind the Mind’s history a position of National Coordinators. Our National and Local Coordinators, and volunteers did not stay put this year and created new ways to interact with the public via flyers, lectures and events about mental health and a lot of social media activity!! Even with the pandemic our volunteers were still able to deliver in-person workshops!
Better Together’s main focus is a cycle of workshops cycle which aims to empower psychology students for educating others about most pervasive types of discrimination and means of combating it, as well as to educate high-school students about discrimination, encouraging them to tackle it throughout Europe. The cycle consists of five workshops, each lasting around three hours, delivered to approximately 20 high-school students once per week for five consecutive weeks. The structure of the cycle is being changed by the Social Impact Initiative team of 2020/21 mandate and is based on the feedback received from the previous waves.
This activity brings together active members of EFPSA, high-school students and local volunteers. All of them play some part in achieving the main objective of the project, i.e. empowering young people to promote social inclusion and take actions towards building inclusive and peaceful societies.
After successfully initiating the Better Together workshops in 2017, the second wave was launched between November and December 2018 with the total of 8 countries, 125 volunteers and 133 participants. The campaign was financially and educationally supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe in the second wave. The third wave ran in the academic year 2019/20. There were 17 Local Coordinators with 206 volunteers from 10 countries involved. Due to the covid-19 pandemic, the work of LCs and their volunteers was severely affected as they had to stop working from approximately February until the end of the wave.
Organised Acts of Kindness (OAK) is one of newest campaigns from the Social Impact Initiative. It takes a step further towards the positive influence on European society by using scientific psychological methods. The campaign aims to bring people together while enhancing their well-being by encouraging individuals to take part in random acts of kindness. In contrast to the Mind the Mind and the Better Together campaigns, OAK runs solely online. It is regularly active on Facebook where it has 407 likes and on Instagram where it has 1069 followers.
A Brief History of the SII
Officially, the Social Impact Initiative was launched at the 27th annual EFPSA Congress in April 2013 in Izmir, Turkey, when the General Assembly of the Congress approved the introduction of the Social Impact Task Force.
During the Joint Executive Board and Member Representatives meeting in 2013, a workshop was organised where possible topics of Social Impact were brainstormed and discussed. It was eventually decided that the work would revolve around tackling the problem of stigma of mental disorders. The Task Force members conducted detailed research on the topic and reviewed the literature, which led to the composition and publishing of a Position Paper. One year later, the Task Force developed into a team within EFPSA, led by the Senior Coordinator. After having decided that an anti-stigma campaign would be the best way to make a positive influence on society, “Mind the Mind – To Combat the Stigma Of Mental Disorders” was launched.
At the same time as the team conducted research for the campaign, the Task Force was working on the support for the “Open Access Movement” and “Right to Research Coalition (R2RC)”, in order to raise awareness of Open Access. The project provided information on access to scientific research literature for students and young researchers and promoted advocacy of Open Access publishing. The team worked closely together with Journal of European Psychology Students (JEPS) and brought a number of texts explaining the issues published in JEPS Bulletin. Another project of the team collected the data on how accessible research is in different European countries. The activity of the team was concluded since the topic is much better covered and students are usually well aware of it and universities often promote some kind of open access strategy themselves.
During the Joint Executive Board and Member Representatives Meeting in 2015, the team started brainstorming ideas for another project. The idea was to cover another field of psychology besides clinical and research one. The “Organised Acts of Kindness” is a project focused on encouraging people to do good deeds on a daily basis which will ultimately have a positive impact on them and society.
During the summer of 2016 the team collaborated with EFPSA’s Training Office to apply for a European Youth Foundation grant on the topic of empowering youth towards building a more inclusive society. As a result a new campaign has started, named “Better Together” with a main focus on educating secondary-school students on topics such as intergroup relations, stereotyping and discrimination, and encouraging them to help build a more inclusive society.
In the year 2020, a global pandemic, which deeply affected all aspects of everyday life, started. As a response, in April 2020, when a new SII team was selected, the Corona Care campaign was launched online. In the same year, after a few years of consideration, the team launched on the World Suicide Prevention Day (10th of September) the (A)live! campaign. This newest campaign will firstly run online, also due to the still present pandemic, but will eventually become something bigger and more similar to the Mind the Mind and Better Together campaigns.
Should you be interested in learning more about the EFPSA Social Impact Initiative and its activities or getting involved in any of our projects, do not hesitate to contact us using the email address socialimpact@efpsa.org.
We welcome you, students and partners, to join us in this journey to a positive social impact!

About the Study & Travel Abroad
Study Abroad considers its existence since the early ‘90s where it began as a project under the name “How to Study Abroad” and later on as "Study and Work Abroad" (SWA). Since 2005 the service has focused on “Study Abroad” (SA) and can now be found through the main website where information, advice and experience stories can be found. As of 2015, the Travel Network and the Study Abroad services have been merged into the Study & Travel Abroad (STA) service, which continues much with the same visions, missions and values as the predecessors. In 2016, the Student Exchange Responsible became part of the team, opening up the opportunity for Member Organisations and Local Organisations to receive support from EFPSA in organising their international exchanges with other psychology student associations. In 2017, the Internship Responsible also joined the service after the success of the Internship Task Force, opening the service to those who would like to go on an internship nationally or internationally. The service now has 7 roles including that of the Coordinator, Study Abroad Responsible, Travel Network Responsible, Exchanges Responsible, Internship Responsible and 2 Team Members.
Please click on the buttons below to get more information:
Study Abroad
The Study Abroad section of the service offers information about studying psychology abroad by providing guidelines, experience stories, and detailed maps.
General information
Student organization
- www.plast.at
Ministry of Education
- Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur (Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture)
Organization of education system: 3 y. BA + 2 y. MA
General languages of tuition: German
Psychology degree in English:
– Webster University Vienna (private university, www.webster.ac.at): Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Psychology and Master of Arts (MA) in Counseling Psychology
– Sigmund Freud University Vienna and Linz (private university, http://www.meicogsci.eu/wiki/Home/ ): Bachelor in Psychotherapy Science and Master in Psychotherapy Science University of Vienna, Master in Cognitive Science
Approx. tuition fee per year (undergraduate level): 1 – 200€
Approx. tuition fee per year (postgraduate level): 1 – 200€
Are the tuition fees different for non-EU or foreign students?:
– For non-EU students its approx. 380€ per semester at most universities for bachelor and master programmes.
– Private universities have fees around 8000€ per semester (no difference, where you are from)
Approx. livings expenses: 500 – 800€
Exchange opportunities available:
How to become a licensed Psychologist
Becoming a licensed Clinical Psychologist in Austria requires a postgraduate education. The postgraduate education is subdivided in a theoretical (340h) and a practical (2098h) component. Furthermore 120h of Supervision and 76h of Self-awareness are necessary.
List of universities/departments
University of Graz (Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz)
- Depart.: Psychology (Psychologie)
- Website: link
- Contact: psy.sek@uni-graz.at
- Address: University of Graz
Insitute of Psychology Uni Graz
Universitaetsplatz 2/ 3rd Floor
A-8010 Graz
University of Innsbruck (Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck)
- Depart.: Institute for Psychosocial Intervention and Communications Research (Psychosoziale Intervention und Kommunikationsforschung )
- Website: link
- Contact: psyko@uibk.ac.at
- Address: University of Innsbruck, Institute for Psychosocial Intervention and Communications Research Universität InnsbruckSchoepfstrasse 3 Innsbruck A-6020
Innsbruck Medical University (Medizinische Universität Innsbruck)
- Depart.: Medical Psychology (Medizinische Psychologie)
- Website: link
- Contact: Karoline.Hofer@uki.at
- Address: Medical Psychology & Psychotherapy Clinic University of Innsbruck, Medical School Universität Innsbruck Schoepfstrasse 23aInnsbruck A-6020
University of Innsbruck (Universität Innsbruck)
- Depart.: Psychology (Psychologie)
- Website: link
- Contact: alexandra.crepaz@uibk.ac.at
- Address: Bruno-Sander-Haus, Innrain 52, A – 6020 Innsbruck
University of Innsbruck (Universität Innsbruck)
- Depart.: Psychology and Sport Science (Psychologie und Sportwissenschaft)
- Website: link
- Contact: dekanat-psychsport@uibk.ac.at
- Address: University of Innsbruck, Psychology Faculty Universität Innsbruck Innrain 52f Bruno-Sander-Haus A-6020 Innsbruck
University of Klagenfurt (Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt)
- Depart.: Psychology (Psychologie)
- Website: link
- Contact: rainer.alexandrowicz@uni-klu.ac.at
- Address: University of Klagenfurt
Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt
Universitatstrasse. 65-67
A-9020 Klagenfurt
Danube University Krems (Donau-Universität Krems)
- Depart.: Psychotherapy and Biopsychosocial Health (Psychotherapie und Biopsychosoziale Gesundheit)
- Website: link
- Contact: info@donau-uni.ac.at
- Address: Donau-Universität Krems
Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Str. 30
3500 Krems, Austria
Danube University Krems (Donau-Universität Krems)
- Depart.: Therapy (Therapie)
- Website: link
- Contact: info@donau-uni.ac.at
- Address: Donau-Universität Krems
Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Str. 30
3500 Krems, Austria
University of Linz (Johannes Kepler Universität Linz)
- Depart.: Pedagogy and Psychology (Pädagogik und Psychologie)
- Website: link
- Contact: wipaed@jku.at
- Address: University of Linz
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
Altenberger Strasse 69
A-4040 Linz
Sigmund Freud Private University Linz (Sigmund Freud Privatuniversität Linz)
- Depart.: Psychology (Psychologie)
- Website: link
- Contact: psychologie-linz@sfu.ac.at
- Address: Sigmund Freud Privatuniversität Linz
Adalbert-Stifter-Platz 2, 8. Stock
A-4020 Linz
- Depart.: Psychology (Psychologie)
- Website: link
- Contact: uni.service@sbg.ac.at
- Address: University of Salzburg
Psychology Paris-Lodron Universität Salzburg
Hellbrunnerstrasse 34
A-5020 Salzburg
- Depart.: Medical Psychology (Medizinische Psychologie)
- Website: link
- Contact: regina.riss@meduniwien.ac.at
- Address: University of Vienna, Medical School Universität Wien Severingasse 9 Vienna A-1090
- Depart.: Psychology (Psychologie)
- Website: link
- Contact: ssc.psychologie@univie.ac.at
- Address: University of Vienna, Psychology Universität Wien Liebiggasse 5 Vienna A-1010
- Depart.: Psychological Diagnostics and Psychotherapy (Psychotherapiewissenschaft und Psychologie)
- Website: link
- Contact: office@sfu.ac.at
- Address: Sigmund Freud PrivatUniversität Wien Campus Prater Freudplatz 1 A-1020 Wien
- Depart.: Psychology (Psychologie)
- Website: link
- Contact: info@webster.ac.at
- Address: Webster Vienna Privatuniversität Berchtoldgasse 1 A-1220 Vienna
General information
Student organization
- Union of Young Psychologists
Ministry of Education
- Azərbaycan Respublikası Təhsil Nazirliyi (The Ministry of Education of the Azerbaijan Republic)
Organization of education system: 4 y. BA+ 2 y. MA
General languages of tuition: Azerbaijani
Psychology degree offered in English:
Khazar University: Psychology-Bachelor (English)
Approx. tuition fee per year (undergraduate level): 2500 – 5000€
Approx. tuition fee per year (postgraduate level): 2500 – 5000€
Are the tuition fees different for non-EU or foreign students?: X
Approx. livings expenses: 500 – 800 €
Exchange opportunities available: X
How to become a licensed Psychologist
No training available.
List of universities/departments
Baku State University (Bakı Dövlət Universiteti)
- Depart.: Faculty of Social Sciences and Psychology (Sosial elmlər və psixologiya fakültəsi)
- Website: link
- Contact: –
- Address: Baku State University, the 2nd building, the 2nd floor, room №201, Akademik Zahid Xəlilov küç., 23., AZ 1148, AZ-1073/1
Baku Slavic University (Bakı Slavyan Universiteti)
- Depart.: Pedagogy and psychology (Pedaqogika və psixologiya kafedrası)
- Website: link
- Contact: bsu.pedaqogika-psixologiya@mail.ru
- Address: Azerbaijan, city Baku, st. S.Rustam, 25
Khazar University (Xəzər Universiteti)
- Depart.: Psychology (Psixologiya)
- Website: link
- Contact: contact@khazar.org
- Address: 11 Mehseti Str., AZ1096, Baku, Azerbaijan
Lankaran State University (Lənkəran Dövlət Universiteti)
- Depart.: Pedagogies and psychology (Pedaqogika-psixologiya və fiziki tərbiyə)
- Website: link
- Contact: office@lsu.edu.az
- Address: The Azerbaijan Republic, Az4200, Lenkaran, the prospectus of Azi Aslanova – 50.
General information
Student organization
- Psychologische kring
- www.psychokring.be
Ministry of Education
- Departement Onderwijs, Ministerie Vlaamse Gemeenschap (Education Department, Ministry of the Flemish Community)
Organization of education system: 3 y. BA + 2 y. MA
General languages of tuition: Dutch & French
Psychology degree offered in English:
– There are some statistic masters in English
– Phd is also possible in English
Approx. tuition fee per year (undergraduate level): 500- 1000€
Approx. tuition fee per year (postgraduate level): 500- 1000€
Are the tuition fees different for non-EU or foreign students?:
If you wish to study in a university in Wallonia-Brussels:
The basic tuition fees for one year of main studies for the academic year 2012-2013 amount to 835 euros.
In addition to the basic tuition fees, students from outside the European Union are required to pay additional fees. For the academic year 2012 – 2013, the amount of these fees varies between 1,923 euros and 3,845 euros.
The exact amount is stipulated to the student in the letter authorising him to enrol with the institution of his choice.
The amounts indicated here only concern the academic years 2012 – 2013 and are subject to change.
Approx. livings expenses: 500 – 800€
Exchange opportunities available:
Remarks: The system is really different in the north and the south of Belgium cause the schoolsystem is divided by language
How to become a licensed Psychologist
You need to be on a list of the belgische psychologen comissie. To be able to register to the list, you need to have finished 5 years of university studies and in some cases (when you only studied for 4 years and got your degree in another country) proof relevant working experience.
List of universities/departments
- Depart.: Psychology & Education (Psychologie en Educatie – wetenschappen)
- Website: link
- Contact: rgillis@vub.ac.be
- Address: Pleinlaan 2 Gebouw C Brussels B-1050
Gent University (Universiteit Gent)
- Depart.: Psychology and Educational Sciences (Psychologie en Pedagogische Wetenschappen)
- Website: link
- Contact: Geert.Crombez@UGent.be
- Address: Henri Dunantlaan 2
Gent East Flanders
Catholic University of Leuven (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
- Depart.: Psychology and Educational Sciences (Psychologie en Pedagogische Wetenschappen)
- Website: link
- Contact: Secr-decanaat@ppw.kuleuven.be
- Address: Tiensestraat 102
Leuven Flemish Brabant
University of Liége (Universite de Liége)
- Depart.: Psychology and Education (Psychologie et Sciences de l’Education)
- Website: link
- Contact: udi.fapse@ulg.ac.be
- Address: 5, bvd du Rectorat Bât
Catholic University of Louvain (Université Catholique de Louvain)
- Depart.: Psychology & Education (Psychologie et des sciences de l’éducation)
- Website: link
- Contact: info-psp@uclouvain.be
- Address: Place du Cardinal Mercier 10
Louvain-la-Neuve Walloon Brabant
University of Mons (Université de Mons)
- Depart.: Psychology and Education (Psychologie et des Sciences de l’Education)
- Website: link
- Contact: Secretariat.FPSE@umons.ac.be
- Address: Place Warocqué, 17
Mons Hainaut
General information
Student organization
- Association of Young Psychologists in Bulgaria “4th April”
- www.4april.eu
Ministry of Education
- Ministerstvo na obrazovanieto I naukata (Ministry of Education and Science)
Organization of education system: 4 y. BA + 1.5 y. MA
General languages of tuition: Bulgarian
(Students have work with many psychological materials in english, french or german. ( like researches, psychological articles or books )
Psychology degree offered in English: X
Approx. tuition fee per year (undergraduate level): 200 – 500€
Approx. tuition fee per year (postgraduate level): 1000 – 2500€
Are the tuition fees different for non-EU or foreign students?: X
Approx. livings expenses: 200-500€
Exchange opportunities available:
How to become a licensed Psychologist
If you want to become a licensed Clinical Psychologist in Bulgaria, you have to do your Master class in the field of Clinical Psychology in some of the universities, which provides such postgraduate education. It is not particularly necessary to have Bachelor degree in psychology to become a clinical psychologist.
List of universities/departments
Plovdiv University Paisii Hilendarski (Пловдивски университет „Паисий Хилендарски)
- Depart.: Psychology and Pedagogy
- Website: link
- Contact: ir@uni-plovdiv.bg
- Address: 24 Tzar Assen St.
National Sports Academy (Национална спортна академия „Васил Левски)
- Depart.: Psychology, pedagogics and sociology
- Website: link
- Address: Sofia, 1700
New Bulgarian University (Нов български университет)
- Depart.: Cognitive Science & Psychology
- Website: link
- Contact: office@cogs.nbu.bg
- Address: 21 Montevideo Str.
University of Sofia (Софийски университет)
- Depart.: General, Experimental & Genetic Psychology
- Website: link
- Address: 15 Tzar Osvoboditel Blvd.
University of Sofia (Софийски университет)
- Depart.: Social, Work & Educational Psychology
- Website: link
- Contact: zahi@phls.uni-sofia.bg
- Address: 15 Tzar Osvoboditel Blvd.
Saints Cyril andi Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo (Великотърновски университет „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“))
- Depart.: Psychology
- Website: link
- Contact: psychology@uni-vt.bg
- Address: 19 Hristo Botev str.
Veliko Tarnovo
General information
Student organization
- USPjeH (Ujedinjeni studenti psihologije Hrvatske (United psychology students of Croatia)
Ministry of Education
- Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i športa Republike Hrvatske (Ministry of Science, Education and Sport)
Organization of education system: 3 y. BA + 2 y. MA
General languages of tuition: Croatian
Psychology degree offered in English: X
Approx. tuition fee per year (undergraduate level): 500 – 1000€
Approx. tuition fee per year (postgraduate level): 500 – 1000€
Are the tuition fees different for non-EU or foreign students?: X
Approx. livings expenses: 200-500€
Exchange opportunities available:
How to become a licensed Psychologist
If you wanted to work as psychotherapist, you have to finish additional 2 years of studying (so it’s 7 years of studying in total) and it is really expensive for students to pay for it. You have to do further educations after MD in clinical psychology.
List of universities/departments
University of Osijek (Sveučilište u Osijeku)
- Depart.: Psychology and Pedagogy (Filozofski fakultet, Odsjek za psihologiju)
- Website: link
- Contact: psihologija@ffos.hr
- Address: Lorenza Jägera 9, 31000 Osjek
University of Rijeka (Sveučilište u Rijeci)
- Depart.: Psychology and Pedagogy (Filozofski fakultet, Odsjek za psihologiju)
- Website: link
- Contact: webmaster@ffri.hr
- Address: Sveučilišna avenija 4, 51000 Rijeka
- Depart.: Psychology and Pedagogy (Filozofski fakultet, Odsjek za psihologiju)
- Website: link
- Contact: info@unizd.hr
- Address: Krešimirova obala 2, 23000 Zadar
- Depart.: Psychology and Pedagogy (Filozofski fakultet, Odsjek za psihologiju)
- Website: link
- Contact: psy@ffzg.hr
- Address: Ivana Lučića 3, 10000 Zagreb
- Depart.: Croatian studies, Department of Psychology (Hrvatski studiji, Odsjek za psihologiju)
- Website: link
- Address: Borongajska cesta 83d, 10000 Zagreb
- Depart.: Psychology (Pihologija)
- Website: link
- Contact: studentska.sluzba@unicath.hr
- Address: Ilica 242, 10000 Zagreb
General information
Student organization
- CYPSA is the Cyprus Professional and Scientific Psychological Association
- www.cypsa.org.cy
Ministry of Education
Organization of education system: 4 y. BA + 2 y. MA (Theory/Research Masters); 3 y. MA (Scientist-Practitioner; requiring 1000-1500 hours of practicum to graduate).
General languages of tuition: Greek & English
Psychology degree offered in English:
Approx. tuition fee per year (undergraduate level):
Approx. tuition fee per year (postgraduate level):
Are the tuition fees different for non-EU or foreign students?:
Approx. livings expenses: 500 – 800 €
Exchange opportunities available:
How to become a licensed Psychologist
The title of Psychologist is protected by law in Cyprus.
An accredited Bachelor’s degree in Psychology allows someone to join the ‘Registry of Psychology Graduates’ which allows limited psychological duties under the supervision of a specialist psychologist and the use of the title Psychologist.
In order to become a psychology specialist and be allowed to use one of the specialization titles (Clinical Psychologist, Counselling Psychologist, etc) someone needs: (1) an accredited bachelor degree and (2) at least a 2-year postgraduate degree in the relevant specialization that includes at least 1000 hours of supervised internship.
In cases where this format of studies wasn’t followed then the Psychologists’ Registration Board will see each case individually and decide on equivalence or ‘treatments’ (if possible).
NOTE: Keep in mind that, so far, Cypriot Universities offering post-graduate degrees that lead to professional accreditation (master or doctorate level) have been offering degrees that last for at least 3 years.
List of universities/departments
Univerity of Cyprus (Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου)
- Depart.: Psychology (Τμήμα Ψυχολογίας)
- Website: link
- Contact: ioannad[at]ucy.ac.cy
- Address: P.O. Box 20537
Nicosia Nicosia
CY 1678
University of Nicosia (Πανεπιστήμιο Λευκωσίας)
- Depart.: Psychology (Τμήμα Ψυχολογίας)
- Website: link
- Contact: info[at]unic.ac.cy
- Address: 46 Makedonitissas Ave
PO Box 24005
European University Cyprus (Ευρωπαϊκό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου)
- Depart.: Psychology (Τμήμα Ψυχολογίας)
- Website: link
- Contact: N.Liassis@euc.ac.cy
- Address: 6, Diogenous Street
Engomi PO Box 22006
General information
Student organization
- Czech Association of Students of Psychology (CASP)
- www.caspos.cz
Ministry of Education
- Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy(Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports)
Organization of education system: 3 y. BA + 2 y. MA & 5 y. Masters/diploma
General languages of tuition: Czech
Psychology degree offered in English: X
Approx. tuition fee per year (undergraduate level): 0€
Approx. tuition fee per year (postgraduate level): 0€
Are the tuition fees different for non-EU or foreign students?: X
Approx. livings expenses: 200 – 500 €
Exchange opportunities available:
How to become a licensed Psychologist
a) Master’s degree in Psychology
b) Started or finished a Psychotherapeutical course
c) To become a clinical psychologist you have to have finish a course in Psychologist in Health care (1 year course and you have to pay for it, costs are around 200 Euro) and also you should get our postgradual attestation which takes 5 years to complete (you have to take some courses which are paid and complete some exams)
List of universities/departments
- Depart.: Psychology (Psychologie)
- Website: link
- Contact: vybiral@fss.muni.cz
- Address: Joštova 10, 602 00 Brno
Placky University of Olomouc (Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci)
- Depart.: Psychology and Psychopathology (Psychologie a Patopsychologie)
- Website: link
- Contact: dekanpdf@risc.upol.cz
- Address: Žižkovo náměstí 5, Olomouc
Placky University of Olomouc (Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci)
- Depart.: Psychology (Psychologie)
- Website: link
- Address: Křížkovského 10, Olomouc
Moravian University College Olomouc (Moravská vysoká škola Olomouc)
- Depart.: Fundamentals of Psychology (Základy psychologie)
- Website: link
- Contact: dana.pokorna@mvso.cz
- Address: Jeremenkova 1142/42, 772 00 Olomouc
- Depart.: Psychologie a aplikovaných sociálních věd (Psychology and Applied Social Sciences)
- Website: link
- Contact: info@osu.cz
- Address: Dvořákova 7, Ostrava
Charles University (Univerzita Karlova v Praze)
- Depart.: Psychology (Psychologie)
- Website: link
- Contact: information@pedf.cuni.cz
- Address: M. D. Rettigové 4, Prague 1
Charles University (Univerzita Karlova v Praze)
- Depart.: Psychology (Psychologie)
- Website: link
- Contact: psychologie@ruk.cuni.cz
- Address: Celetná 20, Prague 1
Charles University (Univerzita Karlova v Praze)
- Depart.: Psychiatry (Psychiatrické)
- Website: link
- Contact: arosova@pcp.lf3.cuni.cz
- Address: Ústavni 91, Prague 8 – Bohnice
Charles University (Univerzita Karlova v Praze)
- Depart.: Psychometrics (Psychometrické)
- Website: link
- Contact: secretariat@pcp.lf3.cuni.cz
- Address: Ústavni 91, Prague 8 – Bohnice
Prague College of Psychosocial Studies ( Prazská vysoká Psychosociálních Studií)
- Depart.: Psychosocial Studies (Psychosociálních Studií)
- Website: link
- Contact: viap@viap.cz
- Address: Hekrova 805, Prague
University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (Západočeská Univerzita v Plzni)
- Depart.: Forensic Psychology and Sociology (Forenzni psychologie a sociologie)
- Website: link
- Contact: melkova@kpf.zcu.cz
- Address: Sady Pětatřicátníků 14, Plzeň
University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (Západočeská Univerzita v Plzni)
- Depart.: Psychology (Psychologie)
- Website: link
- Contact: mizerova@kps.zcu.cz
- Address: Chodské námestí 1, Plzeň
General information
Student organization
- Dansk Psykolog Forenings Studentersektion (DPS) (The Danish Psychology Students Association)
- www.dp.dk/studentersektionen
Ministry of Education
- Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation(Ministeriet for Videnskab, Teknologi og Fornyelse)
Organization of education system: 3 y. BA + 2 y. MA
General languages of tuition: Danish & some courses in English
Psychology degree offered in English:
A 2 year master in Cultural Psychology at Aalborg University which is taught in English!
Approx. tuition fee per year (undergraduate level): 0€
Approx. tuition fee per year (postgraduate level): 0€
Are the tuition fees different for non-EU or foreign students?:
They are changing the rules about payments back and forth. If there is a costs it differs between the studies and Universities. But in the moment you can apply for grants if you are from a non European country. The best is to contact the University for the latest information about fees and grants.
Approx. livings expenses: 200 – 500 €
Exchange opportunities available:
How to become a licensed Psychologist
After the five years of studies, you are an psychologist and you can work as a clinical psychologist.
But it will take you at least 2 years of work to get your authorization. As an authorized psychologist you can get more job opportunities, and you can get clients directly from the doctors and the hospitals. So the costs for the clients will than be partly payed of the welfare system instead of the clients themselves.
In order to get authorized you have to have a work that involves a certain amount of hours containing individual assessment and intervention as well a certain amount of work with groups and organisations. You also have to be supervised and have been going to individual or group therapy. This is a costly process and not all employers are willing to pay for this. So it can take a couple of years to get the authorization. But to work as an psychologist you don’t have to be authorized, but it is a title that is secured to them who have studied the program in Denmark.
List of universities/departments
University of Aalborg (Aalborg Universitet)
- Depart.: Psychology (Psykologi)
- Website: link
- Address: Kroghstrade 3, Aalborg Ost, DK-9220
Aarhus University (Aarhus Universitet)
- Depart.: Psychology and Behavioural Sciences (Psykologisk Institut)
- Website: link
- Contact: psykologi@au.dk
- Address: Jens Chr.Skous Vej 4
8000 Aarhus C
Copenhagen Business School (Handelshojskolen)
- Depart.: Business Administration and Psychology (Erhvervsøkonomi – psykologi)
- Website: link
- Contact: cbs@cbs.dk
- Address: Dalgas Have 15
Copenhagen Frederiksberg
University of Southern Denmark (Syddansk Universitet)
- Depart.: Psychology (Psykologi)
- Website: link
- Contact: studentservice@sdu.dk
- Address: Campusvej 55, Odense M, DK-5230
Roskilde University (Roskilde Universitet)
- Depart.: Psychology and Educational studies (Psykologi og Uddannelsesforskning)
- Website: link
- Contact: ruc@ruc.dk
- Address: Universitetsvej 1
PO Box 260
General information
Student organization
- EPSA, the Estonian Association of Psychology Students (EPSÜ)
- www.epsy.org.ee
Ministry of Education
- Eesti Vabariigi Haridus-ja Teadusminsteerium(Ministry of Education and Research)
Organization of education system: 3 y. BA + 2 y. MA
General languages of tuition: Mostly in Estonian (some courses are taught in English)
Psychology degree offered in English:
Tallinn University of Technology (TUT, Tallinna Tehnikaülikool)
Department of Industrial Psychology (Tööstuspsühholoogia)
Programme: Master in Work and Organizational Psychology
Link: http://www.tpi.ee/Master%20in%20Work%20and%20Organizational%20Psychology%20booklet.pdf
Approx. tuition fee per year (undergraduate level): 0€
Approx. tuition fee per year (postgraduate level): 0€
Are the tuition fees different for non-EU or foreign students?:
Estonia has just accepted the new reform of higher education which means that studying in Bachelor´s and Master´s is for free as one is studying full time (at least 30 ECTS per semester). While one passes less than 30 ECTS he/she has to pay according to the fee (1 ECT = 30-40 Euros).
The programmes taught in English are still charged with fixed fee (2400 Euros/per year for Master in Work and Organizational Psychology).
Approx. livings expenses: 200 – 500 €
Exchange opportunities available:
How to become a licensed Psychologist
1) Finish Master’s
2) Pass the specialized courses (taught in Universities but not mandatory for the Master´s itself)
3) Finish one year full-time internship (quite hard to find and hard to do because it is not compensated neither for the trainee nor the tutor).
4) Take the qualification exam
We also have EuroPsy qualification now.
Researchers don’t have to get a license. But it’s highly recommended to be a member of the professional organization (EPL).
Remarks: Private School of Professional Psychology does not qualify as university.
List of universities/departments
Tallinn University of Technology (Tallinna Tehnikaülikool)
- Depart.: Industrial Psychology (Tööstuspsühholoogia)
- Website: link
- Contact: mare@perekonsult.ee
- Address: Akaeemia tee 3
Tallinn University (Tallinna Ülikool)
- Depart.: Psychology (Psühholoogia)
- Website: link
- Contact: psych@tlu.ee
- Address: Narva Road 25
Private School of Professional Psychology (Professionaalse Psühholoogia Erakool)
- Depart.: Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Center (Psühhoanalüüsi ja Psühhoanalüütilise Psühhoteraapia Keskus)
- Website: link
- Contact: kool@profpsych.ee
- Address: C. R. Jakobsoni 3
University of Tartu (Tartu Ülikool)
- Depart.: Psychology (Psühholoogia)
- Website: link
- Contact: departm@psych.ut.ee
- Address: Tiigi 78
General information
Student organization
- Suomen Psykologian Opiskelijoiden Liitto (SPOL)/The Finnish Psychology Students’ Association (FPSA)
- www.psykologianopiskelijat.net
Ministry of Education
- Ministry of Education (Opetusministeriö)
Organization of education system: 3 y. BA + 2.5 y. MA
General languages of tuition: Finnish or Swedish (Abo Akademi). Some courses in English.
Psychology degree offered in English:
There is a Master’s degree programme of Sport and Exercise Psychology in English (University of Jyväskylä).
Approx. tuition fee per year (undergraduate level): 0€
Approx. tuition fee per year (postgraduate level): 0€
Even though there are no tuition fees in Finland, you have to pay the Student Union about 100 euros/year (depending on the university), which gives you access to student health care services, cheap meals at the university, student discounts (in public transportation, bars…) etc.
Are the tuition fees different for non-EU or foreign students?: X
Approx. livings expenses: 500 – 800 €
Exchange opportunities available:
How to become a licensed Psychologist
All of need to do is a 5 months internship during the Master’s. After the Master’s degree everybody becomes licensed.
List of universities/departments
Helsinki University (Helsingin yliopisto)
- Depart.: Social Psychology (Sosiaalipsykologia)
- Website: link
- Address: Unioninkatu 37, 2nd Floor
PO Bzox 54 University of Helsinki
Helsinki University (Helsingin yliopisto)
- Depart.:Behavioral Sciences (Käyttäytymistieteiden Laitos)
- Website: link
- Contact: ibs-info@helsinki.fi
- Address: Siltavuorenpenger 1-5
PO Box 9
University of Eastern Finland (Itä-Suomen yliopiston)
- Depart.: Psychology (Psykologia)
- Website: link
- Address: Yliopistokatu 2
PO Box 111
Jyväskylä University (Jyväskylän Yliopisto)
- Depart.: Psychology (Psykologian laitos)
- Website: link
- Contact: mehto@psyka.jyu.fi
- Address: PO Box 35
Mattilanniemi MaC-building
- Depart.: Psychology (Psykologian laitos)
- Website: link
- Contact: psykologia@uta.fi
- Address: Tampere, 33014
Åbo Academy (Åbo Akademi)
- Depart.: Developmental Psychology (Utvecklingspsykologi)
- Website: link
- Address: Strandgatan 2 Turku
Åbo Academy (Åbo Akademi)
- Depart.:Psychology and Logopedics (Psykologi och Logopedi)
- Website: link
- Contact: registrator@abo.fi
- Address: Tuomiokirkontori 3
University of Turku (Turun Yliopisto)
- Depart.: Psychology (Psykologia)
- Website: link
- Address: Assistentinkatu 7
General information
Student organization
- Bundesvereinigung Psychologiestudierender im BDP
- www.bv-studenten-bdp.de
Ministry of Education
- Federal Ministry of Education and Research – Bonn Office (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung)
Organization of education system: 3 y. BA + 2 y. MA
General languages of tuition: German
Psychology degree offered in English:
1) Neuro-Cognitive Psychology (Master) – Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
2) Psychology Master’s Program in the Learning Sciences – Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Approx. tuition fee per year (undergraduate level): 100-200€
Approx. tuition fee per year (postgraduate level): 100-200€
Are the tuition fees different for non-EU or foreign students?:
It differs in some universities. We are not aware of all the differences. You should check it out individually for the universities of you interests.
Approx. livings expenses: 500 – 800€
Exchange opportunities available:
How to become a licensed Psychologist
A Master’s degree in psychology + 3-years-job-training with examination
General information
Student organization
- Greek psychology students association (GPSA)
- www.seps.gr
Ministry of Education
Organization of education system: 4 y. BA + 1 y. MA
General languages of tuition: Greek
Psychology degree offered in English: ✔
Approx. tuition fee per year (undergraduate level):
Approx. tuition fee per year (postgraduate level):
Are the tuition fees different for non-EU or foreign students?:
Approx. livings expenses: 500 – 800 € (incl. rent, transportation, food, etc.)
ECTS: ✔ (some of them)
Exchange opportunities available: ✔
– Bachelor’s degrees from public universities are free and taught only in Greek.
– Bachelor’s degrees from private colleges are paid and might be in English, but they are not recognized by the state to be the same as the public ones.
– Master’s are sometimes paid, even in public universities.
How to become a licensed Psychologist
To become a licensed Psychologist, you have to present your degree, some medical exams and other paperwork to a local administration office. You only need a Bachelor’s degree and no practical work. If you have a Master’s or above degree that grants you a title or specialization, that title is not protected by any law.
List of universities/departments
University of Athens (Εθνικού και Καποδιστριακού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών)
- Depart.: Psychology
- Website: link
- Contact: secr@ppp.uoa.gr
- Address: Zografou Athens Attica Greece
University of Panteion (Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο)
- Depart.: Psychology
- Website: link
- Contact: pkord@otenet.gr
- Address: 136 Sygrou Avenue, Athens 17671
University of Crete (Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτης)
- Depart.: Psychology (ψυχολογία)
- Website: link
- Contact: registr@psy.soc.uoc.gr
- Address: Rethymnon Crete Crete Greece
- Depart.: Psychology (ψυχολογία)
- Website: link
- Address: Dompole 30 Ioannina Epirus Greece
- Depart.: Psychology
- Website: link
- Contact: efklides@psy.auth.gr
- Address: Thessaloniki Central Macedonia
American College of Thessaloniki
- Depart.: English and Psychology
- Website: link
- Contact: drd@act.edu
- Address: P.O. Box 21021, 55510, Thessaloniki, Greece
General information
Student organization
- Hungarian Psychology Students’ Associations
- www.pszichodiak.hu
Ministry of Education
Organization of education system: 3 y. BA + 2 y. MA
General languages of tuition: Hungarian and English
Psychology degree offered in English:
ELTE Faculty of Education and Psychology: Psychology at Bachelor, Master level. Master level also Intercultural Psychology and Pedagogy.
Approx. tuition fee per year (undergraduate level): 1000 – 2500€
Approx. tuition fee per year (postgraduate level): 1000 – 2500€
Are the tuition fees different for non-EU or foreign students?: X
Approx. livings expenses: 500 – 800 €
Answer would rather be somewhere around 500. It depends a lot on your needs. Hungarian students save a lot by sharing flats or staying at dorms. That keeps costs far under 500. But my experience is that foreigners prefer to rent a more central place and spend more money on exploring the area in every possible way and that will raise their costs above 500
ECTS: – some of them
Exchange opportunities available:
Note: We have these faculties for Master studies:
Cognitive Psychology, Social and Organizational Psychology, Work and Organizatonal Psychology, Clinical and Health Psychology, Counselling and Educational Psychology, Developmental and Clinical Child Psychology, Interpersonal and Intercultural Psychology
How to become a licensed Psychologist
In Hungary with a Bachelor’s degree (3 years of study) you can be a ‘behavior analyzer’, with a Master degree (+2 years of study): Psychologist.
After that: Clinical Psychology (+4 years) –› Psychotherapist Studies (+2 years) –› Manner/technique-specific Studies (+2 years) =› to be a licensed psychotherapist/shrink takes 13 years
List of universities/departments
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem)
- Depart.: Ergonomics & Psychology (Ergonomia é s Pszichologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: antalovits@erg.bme.hu
- Address: 1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rakpart 3-9, Hungary
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem)
- Depart.: Work & Organization Psychology (Munka és Szervezetpszichológia)
- Website: link
- Contact: krasz@erg.bme.hu
- Address: Q épület, A 107, Budapest, 1117
Central European University
- Depart.: Psychology
- Website: link
- Address: Nador u. 9, Budapest, 1051
Eötvös Loránd University (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem)
- Depart.: Education and Psychology (Pedagogiai és Pszichologia)
- Contact: hunyady.gyorgy@ppk.elte.hu
- Address: Izabella Utca 46 Budapest 1064
Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Magyar Tudományegyetem Akadémia)
- Depart.: Psychology (Pszichologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: info@mtapi.hu
- Address: H-1132 Budapest, Victor Hugo Str. 18-22
Karoli Gaspar University of the Hungarian Reformed Church (Károli Gáspáa Református Egyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kar)
- Depart.: Psychology (Pszichologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: rector@kre.hu
- Address: Kálvin tér 9 Budapest 1091 Hungary
Semmelweis University (Semmelweis Egyetem)
- Depart.: Psychology (Pszichologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: hoyerm@se-etk.hu
- Address: Vas u. 17 Budapest 1088 Hungary
University of Debrecan (Debreceni Egyetem)
- Depart.: Psychology (Pszichologia)
- Contact: de.pszichologia@gmail.com
- Address: Egyetem ter 1 Debrecen 4010 Hungary
University of Pécs ( Pécsci Tudományegyetem)
- Depart.: Psychology (Pszichologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: velosy.anita@pte.hu
- Address: Ifűság űtja 6 Pécs 7624 Hungary
University of Pécs Medical School ( Pécsci Tudományegyetem)
- Depart.: Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (Pszichiátriai és Pszichoterápiás Klinika)
- Contact: pszichiatria.klinika@aok.pte.hu
- Address: Rét str. 2 Pécs 7623 Hungary
Pazmany Peter Catholic University (Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem)
- Depart.: Psychology (Pszichologia)
- Contact: pszichologia@btk.ppke.hu
- Address: 1 Egyetem u. Piliscsaba-Klotildliget 2087 Hungary
University of Szeged ( Szegedi Tudományegyetem)
- Depart.: Health Psychology (Pszichologia Egészség)
- Contact: benko@jgypk.u-szeged.hu
- Address: Boldogasszony sgt.6 Szeged 6725 Hungary
University of Szeged ( Szegedi Tudományegyetem)
- Depart.: Education and Psychology (Pedagogiai és Pszichologia)
- Contact: dalice@jgytf.u-szeged.hu
- Address: Hattyas sor 10 Szeged 6725 Hungary
University of Szeged ( Szegedi Tudományegyetem)
- Depart.: Psychology (Pszichologia)
- Contact: ba@medea.szote.u-szeged.hu
- Address: 6 Semmelweis St Szeged 6725 Hungary
General information
Student organization
- PSI Student Affairs Group (SAG)
- www.psychologicalsociety.ie
Ministry of Education:
Department of Education and Science (An Roinn Oideachais & Eolaíochta)
Organization of education system: 3 or 4 y. BA + 1 or 2 y. MA
General languages of tuition: English
Psychology degree in English:
Approx. tuition fee per year (undergraduate level): 2500-5000€
Technically undergraduates are free in Ireland, but with a 3000 Euro registration fee.
Approx. tuition fee per year (postgraduate level):more than 5000€
Are the tuition fees different for non-EU or foreign students?:
There are different fees depending on the nationality of the student, in the eu, outside the EU and then from Ireland, they are shown on the university websites.
For non-EU it can be up to 10,000€
Approx. livings expenses: 500 – 800 €
ECTS: – some of them
Exchange opportunities available:
How to become a licensed Psychologist
Firstly, you have get your Bachelor’s from a University that is accredited by the Psychological Society of Ireland. There are currently 10 Irish Universities which offer accredited Psychology courses.
Then, if you want to be a clinical psychologist, you need to complete a PhD in Clinical Psychology (usually after having completed a masters and having some relevant work experience – usually around 2 years). There are currently 4 Irish universities which offer these Clinical Psychology PhD Programmes.
If you want to be an educational psychologist, you need to complete an accredited 2 year masters in Educational Psychology.
For other areas of psychology, e.g. research etc, I’m not aware of licensing regulations.
List of universities/departments
- Depart.: Applied Psychology
- Website: link
- Contact: admissions@ucc.ie
- Address: College Road, Cork
University College Dublin
- Depart.: Psychology
- Website: link
- Contact: mary.boyle@ucd.ie
- Address: Newman Building
University College Dublin Belfield
Dublin 4
Trinity College Dublin (Coláiste na Tríonóide)
- Depart.: Psychology
- Website: link
- Address: College Green, Dublin 2
All Hallows College
- Depart.: Theology and Psychology
- Website: link
- Contact: info@allhallows.ie
- Address: 9 Grace Park Road Droim Conrach, Dublin 9, Ireland
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
- Depart.: Psychiatry
- Website: link
- Contact: psychiatryadmin@rcsi.ie
- Address: 123 St Stephens Green, Mercer St. Lower, Dublin
Irish Institue of Counselling and Psychotherapy Studies
- Depart.: Counselling & Psychotherapy Services
- Website: link
- Contact: admin@turningpoint.ie
- Address: 23 Crofton Road, Dun Laoghaire, Dublin
National Universtiy of Ireland, Galway (Ollscoil na hÉireann)
- Depart.: Psychology
- Website: link
- Contact: collegearts@nuigalway.ie
- Address: University Road, Newcastle, Galway, Co. Galway
University of Limerick (Ollscoil Luimnigh)
- Depart.: Psychology
- Website: link
- Contact: rachel.msetfi@ul.ie
- Address: National Technological Park, Limerick, Co. Limerick
University of Limerick (Ollscoil Luimnigh)
- Depart.: Psychology and Sociology
- Website: link
- Contact: Ronni.Greenwood@ul.ie
- Address: National Technological Park, Limerick, Co. Limerick
Griffith College
- Depart.: Psychology
- Website: link
- Contact: info@gcl.ie
- Address: 32 Upper William Street, The Milk Market, Limerick
Mary Immaculate College (Coláiste Mhuire gan Smál)
- Depart.: Psychology
- Website: link
- Address: South Circular Road Limerick
National Universtiy of Ireland, Maynooth (Ollscoil na hÉireann, Má Nuad)
- Depart.: Psychology
- Website: link
- Contact: Barnes-Holmes@nuim.ie
- Address: Maynooth, Co. Kildare
Waterford Institute of Technology (Institiúid Teicneolaíochta Phort Láirge)
- Depart.: Psychology
- Website: link
- Contact: appliedarts@wit.ie
- Address: Waterford, CO. Waterford
General information
Student organization
- Kosovar Association of Psychology Students – KOAPS
- www.psikos.com
Ministry of Education
Organization of education system: 3 y. BA + 2 y. MA
General languages of tuition: Albanian
Psychology degree offered in English: X
Approx. tuition fee per year (undergraduate level): 200 – 500€
Approx. tuition fee per year (postgraduate level): 500 – 1000€
Are the tuition fees different for non-EU or foreign students?:
It is double for foreign students
Approx. livings expenses: 200 – 500 €
Exchange opportunities available:
University of Prishtina is part of the Erasmus Mundus Action II Scholarship, respectively the program me Join EU South Eastern Europe which provides opportunity for students from Kosovo do exchange or degree programs on their field of the study in European universities part of this program. Moreover, it also provides the opportunity for EU students to do exchange or degree programmes in South-Eastern Europe Universities in Kosovo. (For more information visit web-page: www.joineusee.eu).
How to become a licensed Psychologist
Licensing of psychologists is done within the scope of Ministry of Health. Three types of licenses are issued:
– basic license
Requirements include: BA diploma, 300 hours of supervised practical work on clinical setting and exam organized by Ministry of Health
– temporary licence
Requirements include: MA diploma, and 200 hours of supervised practical work on clinical setting
– licence for supervision
Requirements include: not sure
List of universities/departments
University of Priština (Univerzitet u Prištini)
- Depart.: Faculty of Phylosophy, Psychology (Filozofski fakultet, Psihologija)
- Website: link
- Contact: studsl@fifa.pr.ac.rs
- Address: Filipa Višnjića bb, Kosovska Mitrovica
General information
Student organization
- www.lpsa.lv
Ministry of Education
Organization of education system: 4 y. BA + 2 y. MA
General languages of tuition: Latvian, Russian & for students from European countries in English
Psychology degree offered in English: X
Approx. tuition fee per year (undergraduate level):
Approx. tuition fee per year (postgraduate level):
Are the tuition fees different for non-EU or foreign students?:
Approx. livings expenses: 200-500€
Exchange opportunities available:
How to become a licensed Psychologist
Now diploma of Master is the only one thing that can approve that you are licensed Psychologist.
P.S But it will be better if you pass the comission or supervision, or the Association of Patent Attorneys of Latvia will carry out inspections. This is a voluntary organization whose purpose is to maintain high standards by patent attorneys in Latvia. Our goal is to achieve internationally recognized standards of professionalism and ethics, and to educate the public on the protection of industrial property rights.
List of universities/departments
University of Latvia (Latvijas Universitāte)
- Depart.: Department of Psychology (Psiholoģijas nodaļa)
- Website: link
- Contact: psihologijas.nodala@lu.lv
- Address: Jūrmalas avenue 74/76, Rīga, Latvia
General information
Student organization
- LiPSA – Lithuanian psychology students association
- www.lipsa.lt
Ministry of Education
Organization of education system: 4 y. BA + 2 y. MA
General languages of tuition: Lithuanian, English
Psychology degree offered in English:
Approx. tuition fee per year (undergraduate level):
Approx. tuition fee per year (postgraduate level):
Are the tuition fees different for non-EU or foreign students?:
Approx. livings expenses: 0 – 200 €
Exchange opportunities available:
Tuition fee can be fully coverd by state if the student has good grades in his final High school examinations. There are also various scholarships.
How to become a licensed Psychologist
There are no licensing for Psychologists in Lithuania by the time, but there are some projects running to standardize procedure of becoming Psychologist.
There are requirements to finish bachelor’s and master’s and accomplish mandatory hours of practice.
List of universities/departments
Vytautas Magnus University (Vytauto Didżiojo Universitetas)
- Depart.: The Faculty of Social Sciences (Socialinių mokslų fakultetas)
- Website: link
- Contact: dek@smf.vdu.lt
- Address: K. Donelaičio g. 52–301 LT-44244 Kaunas, Lithuania
LCC International University
- Depart.: Social Sciences Department
- Website: link
- Contact: info@lcc.lt
- Address: Kretingos gatvė 36, Klaipėda 92307, Lithuania
Siauliai University (Šiauliai University)
- Depart.: Department of Social Education and Psychology (Socialinės pedagogikos ir psichologijos katedra)
- Website: link
- Contact: sppkatedra@cr.su.lt
- Address: Vilniaus gatvė 88, Šiauliai, Lithuania
Vilnius Pedagogical University (Lietuvos Edukologij Universitetas)
- Depart.: Department of Psychology (Psichologijos katedra)
- Website: link
- Contact: psichologija@vpu.lt
- Address: Studentų St. 39, room 307, LT-08106 Vilnius, Lithuania
Vilnius University (Vilniaus universitetas)
- Depart.: Faculty of philosphy (Iš philosphy fakultetas)
- Website: link
- Contact: nijole.radaviciene@fsf.vu.lt
- Address: Universiteto str. 9/1, LT-01122, Lithuania
General information
Student organization
- www.alep.lu
Ministry of Education
Organization of education system: 3 years Bachelor + 2 years Master
General languages of tuition:
The Bachelor of Psychology is taught in German(about 60%), French (30%) and English (10%). The percentages are rough estimates and can vary as a function of the curriculum and personal choices (options).
The Master of Psychology (research master) is taught in French and English.
Psychology degree offered in English: X
Approx. tuition fee per year (undergraduate level): 200 – 500 €
Approx. tuition fee per year (postgraduate level): 200 – 500 €
Are the tuition fees different for non-EU or foreign students?: No.
Approx. livings expenses: 800 – 1000 €
Exchange opportunities available:
How to become a licensed Psychologist
First you have to hold a degree in clinical psychology, usually this is the case if you have a certain amount of ECTS in clinical psychology in your master.
If you like to become a psychotherapist you’ll soon have to do professional training for about 3 to 4 years, after having completed this training you can offer psychotherapies.
List of universities/departments
University of Luxembourg (Université du Luxembourg)
- Depart.: Faculty of Arts, Humanities, Arts and Sciences of Education (Faculté des Lettres, des Sciences Humaines, des Arts et des Sciences de l’Education)
- Website: link
- Contact: natalie.kirwan@uni.lu
- Address: Campus Walferdange Route de Diekirch, BP2, L-7220 Walferdange, Luxembourg
General information
Student organization
- Betapsi
Ministry of Education
- Ministry of Education and Employment
Organization of education system: 3 years Bachelor + 1 year Master, 3 years Bachelor + 2 years Maste
General languages of tuition: English
Psychology degree offered in English:
University of Malta
Approx. tuition fee per year (undergraduate level): 0
Approx. tuition fee per year (postgraduate level): 500 – 1000 €
Are the tuition fees different for non-EU or foreign students?:
Bachelor: E.U. – free, non E.U – 8,000-11,000; Masters: E.U. – 600-1000, non E.U. 10,800-13,400.
Approx. livings expenses: 200 – 500 €
Rent is rather expensive in Malta, we do not really have student housing close to the University so most people just rent a flat with other flat mates. Average a month is about 200-250 Euros a month per person. Food and Drink is very cheap though, so as for living expenses I would say 600 Euro a month would be a suitable amount including, rent, food, transport and going out.
Exchange opportunities available:
How to become a licensed Psychologist
There are two options:
1) You can either take a 3 year B.Psy (Hons) course and then apply for your Master’s after the 3 years (although most of the Maltese Masters programs require some kind of related work experience first before applying).
2) Or you may take a B.A in Psychology and another subject of your preference, then take a year conversion course in Psychology which means you will then possess an equivalent to a B.Psy and then you may apply for your masters. Malta does not as yet require a PhD to become a licensed psychologist but it is encouraged to practice.
Details: Course opens every 2 years and the number of students is dependent on the number of supervisors available to take on the students (rough estimate is 4). It s very common that persons do not get in after 2 years of working. To get in there is the minimum req of 2400 hours plus a 2:1 degree in psychology. The eligible applicants go through an interview which consists of a role play between applicant and actor with the actor playing out a scenario which is in lie with the past exp if applicant but also clinically oriented. This is video taped for the interviewers to see and asses after and due to the fact that they interviews will be in a different room . The applicants then one by one get interviewed on their preferred choice (top 2 between clinical counseling and educational), past experience and personal development.Then after undergoing the masters one has to work for an additional 2 years to achieve the warrant to be fully fledged clinical psychologists.
List of universities/departments
University of Malta (L-Università ta ‘Malta)
- Depart.: Faculty of Education (fakultà ta ‘l-edukazzjoni)
- Website: link
- Address: University Ring Road, Msida, Malta
General information
Ministry of Education
Psychology Student organization
- Bachelors: 3 years
- Masters: 1, 1.5 or 2 years
Languages of tuition:
- Dutch
- English
Approx. tuition fee per year (undergraduate level):
- € 1.984
Approx. tuition fee per year (postgraduate level):
- € 1.984
Are the tuition fees different for non-EU or foreign students?
- Non-EU-students normally have to pay much more than EU members. The prices vary from €6000 to €12000
Approx. livings expenses (tuition unincluded):
- € 700 euros a month
- Bachelors: 180 ECTS
- Masters: 60, 90 or 120 ECTS
How to become a licensed Psychologist
To become a licensed Clinical Psychologist in the Netherlands, you have to complete a postmaster degree after you finish your Bachelor and Master’s degree. This programme takes two years. During these two years you will have education for 1 day a week and work under the supervision of a professional the remaining 4 days of the week. It is hard to get in. The criteria to get accepted to the degree are very strict.
General information
Student organization
- Norwegian Psychological Association (NPF)
- www.psykologforeningen.no
Ministry of Education
Organization of education system: 3 years Bachelor + 2 years Master, 5 years Masters/diploma, 6 years cand. psycol degreee
General languages of tuition: Norwegian, but some also in English
Psychology degree offered in English:
University of Oslo has 1 masters degree in psych taught in English; cognitive neuroscience. They also offer various courses on bacholor level, for example;
Research methodology III: Statistical analysis, design and measurement
Cognition, emotion and language
Psychosocial development
Social cognition
Cognition, emotion and language
See all the courses here: http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/psykologi/
University of Bergen and Trondheim also offer some courses taught in English.
Approx. tuition fee per year (undergraduate level): 1 – 200 €
Approx. tuition fee per year (postgraduate level): 1 – 200 €
Are the tuition fees different for non-EU or foreign students?: No.
Approx. livings expenses: 800 – 1000 €
Exchange opportunities available:
How to become a licensed Psychologist
In Norway we have the oppurtunity to take a year of psychology, a bacholor (3 years) or a master (2 more years after bacholor). If you want to become a clinical psychologist the only way to do this is to take the clinical psychology line of study, which is a 6 year long degree. It is not possible to become a psychologist whithout this cand. psychol degree. Only University of Oslo, Bergen, Tromsø and Trondheim (NTNU) offer this line of clinical psychology.
List of universities/departments
University of Bergen (Universitetet i Bergen)
- Depart.: Faculty of Psychology (Det psykologiske fakultet)
- Website: link
- Contact: post@psyfa.uib.no
- Address: Postboks 7807, N-5020 BERGEN
University of Oslo (Universitetet i Oslo)
- Depart.: Department of Psychology (Psykologisk Institutt)
- Website: link
- Contact: ekspedisjonen@psykologi.uio.no
- Address: Forskningsveien 3A, 0373 OSLO
University of Tromso (Universitetet i Tromsø)
- Depart.: Department of Psychology (Psykologisk Institutt)
- Website: link
- Contact: hus5@list.sv.uit.no
- Address: Huginbakken 32 (Teoifagbygget House 5), 9037 TROMSØ
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) (Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet)
- Depart.: Department of Psychology (Psykologisk Institutt)
- Website: link
- Contact: psykologi@svt.ntnu.no
- Address: Dragvoll, Building 12, Level 5
General information
Student organization
- Polish Association of Psychology Students and Graduates
- www.pssiap.org
Ministry of Education
Organization of education system: 3 years Bachelor + 2 years Master
General languages of tuition: Generally in Polish, though you can find some courses in english also.
Psychology degree offered in English:
University of Warsaw – Warsaw International Studies in Psychology
More information you can find here: www.psychology.pl
Approx. tuition fee per year (undergraduate level): 0
Approx. tuition fee per year (postgraduate level): 0
Are the tuition fees different for non-EU or foreign students?:
Students from EU and EFTA have possibility to apply to psychology the same way as Polish students what means that they can study without any fees. The condition is good command of Polish since all free programs are in this language.Other students have to pay tuition fee which is different at differnt Universities for example in University of Warsaw it is 2 900 euro for 5-years Master Program.
Different situation is with studies in English – this program is paid both for polish and foreign students.In this case the fee is 4 700 euro for 5years Master Progam.
Approx. livings expenses: 0 – 200 €
As it comes for the costs of living, it all depends on the city, but generally students pay around 100-200 euros for accomodation and around 100-150 euros per month for food/other things (of course some people spend more money, but you’re able to survive easily with such amounts)
Exchange opportunities available:
How to become a licensed Psychologist
After you graduate from your University, you get a diploma and a title of Master of Psychology. There is no particular license that you need to get to start working as a psychologist or psychotherapist. Of cours, there are many courses that you can (and sometimes should) do, that can give you some additional qualifications or license, but it’s not compulsory.
There are continuous works on law that reguates Psychologists job but at the moment it’s not finished yet.
University of Gdansk (Uniwersytet Gdanski)
- Psychology Institute (Instytut Psychologii)
- Website: link
- Contact: –
- Address: ul. Bażyńskiego 4, 80-952 Gdańsk, Poland
University of Silesia (Uniwersutet Śląski w Katowicach)
- Psychology Institute (Instytut Psychologii)
- Website: link
- Contact: ips@us.edu.pl
- Address: ul. M. Grażyńskiego 53 40-126 Katowice, Poland
University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw (Szkoła Wyzsza Psychologii Społecznej)
- Psychology (Psychologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: rekrutacja.katowice@swps.edu.pl
- Address: ul. Kossutha 9, 40-844 Katowice, Poland
Jagielloian Univerity (Uniwersytet Jagieloński)
- Psychology Institute (Instytut Psychologii)
- Website: link
- Contact: instytut.psychologii@uj.edu
- Address: al. Mickiewicza 3, 31-120 Kraków, Poland
University of Lodz (Uniwersytet Łódzki)
- Faculty of Education (Wydział Nauk o Wychowaniu)
- Website: link
- Contact: wnow@uni.lodz.pl
- Address: ul. Pomorska 46/48, 91-408 Łódź, Poland
John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II)
- Faculty of Social Sciences (Wydzial nauk Społecznych)
- Website: link
- Contact: –
- Address: Al.Racławickie 14, 20-950 Lublin, Poland
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (Uniwersytet Marii Cuirrie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie)
- Faculty of Eduation and Psychology (Wydział Pedagogiki i Psychologii)
- Website: link
- Contact 4p@umcs.pl
- Address: ul. Narutowicza 12, Lublin, Poland
University of Opole (Uniwersytet Opolski)
- Psychology Institute (Instytut Psychologii)
- Website: link
- Contact: psychologia@uni.opole.pl
- Address: Plac Staszica 1, 45-052 Opole, Poland
Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznan (Uniwerytet Im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu)
- Psychology Institute (Instytut Psychologii)
- Website: link
- Contact: uampsych@amu.edu.pl
- Address: ul. Szamarzewskiego 89, 60 – 589 Poznań, Poland
University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw (Szkoła Wyzsza Psychologii Społecznej)
- Psychology (Psychologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: rekrutacja.poznan@swps.edu.pl
- Address: ul. gen. Tadeusza Kutrzeby 10, 61-719 Poznań, Poland
University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw (Szkoła Wyzsza Psychologii Społecznej)
- Psychology (Psychologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: monika.merkel@swps.edu
- Address: ul. Polna 16/20, 81-745 Sopot, Poland
University of Szczecin (Uniwersytet Szczeciński)
- Psychology Institute (Instytut Psychologii)
- Website: link
- Contact: psychologia@univ.szczecin.pl
- Address: ul. Krakowska 69, 71 – 004 Szczecin, Poland
Collegium Civitas
- Social Psycghology (Psychologia Społeczna)
- Website: link
- Contact: info@collegium.edu.pl
- Address: plac Defilad 1, 00-901 Warszawa, Poland
Kozminski Universuty (Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego)
- Psychology (Psychologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: ewabarlik@kozminski.edu.pl
- Address: ul. Jagiellońska 57/59, 03-301 Warszawa, Poland
University of Warsaw (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
- Faculty of Psychology (Wydział Psychologii)
- Website: link
- Contact: info@psychologia.pl
- Address: ul. Stawki 5/7, 00-183 Warszawa, Poland
University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw (Szkoła Wyzsza Psychologii Społecznej)
- Faculty of Psychology (Wydział Psychologii)
- Website: link
- Contact: –
- Address: ul. Chodakowska 19/31, 03-815 Warszawa, Poland
University of Wrocław (Uniwersytet Wrocławski)
- Psychology Institute (Instytut Psychologii)
- Website: link
- Contact: sekretariat@psychologia.uni.wroc.pl
- Address: ul. Dawida 1, 50-527 Wrocław, Poland
Szkoła Wyzsza Psychologii Społecznej (University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw)
- Psychology (Psychologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: sekretariat.wroclaw@swps.edu.pl
- Address: ul. Ostrowskiego 30, 53-238 Wrocław, Poland
General information
Student organization
- www.anep.pt
Ministry of Education
- Ministério do Ensino Superior e Ciência e Tecnologia (Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education)
Organization of education system: 3 years Bachelor + 2 years Master, 5 years Masters/diploma
General languages of tuition: In portuguese (rarely in english in specific masters and specific places).
Psychology degree offered in English: X
Approx. tuition fee per year (undergraduate level): 1000 – 2500 €
Approx. tuition fee per year (postgraduate level): 1000 – 2500 €
Are the tuition fees different for non-EU or foreign students?: No
Approx. livings expenses: 200 – 500 €
Exchange opportunities available:
How to become a licensed Psychologist
First of all, you have to go a university that has psychology as an option. In second, After that, to take a bachelor you need three years. After that, you have two more years in a specif master, a clinical master to become a clinical psychologist. The first year is just with classes. In the second year of master you have a pratical and you have to do your thesis.
The third step is having a professional pratical recognised by the “Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses”, ( the Portuguese Professional Psychologists Association) in the clinical field, during a year. After that you’ll be recognised in Portugal as a Clinical Psychologist.
Piaget Institute (Instituto Piaget)
- Depart.: Campus Almada – Psychology (Campus Almada – Psicologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: info[at]almada.ipiaget.org
- Address: Quinta de Cima’s Arreinela, 2800-305 Almada, Portugal
Portuguese Catholic University (Universidade Catolica Portuguesa)
- Depart.: Faculty of Philosphy (Faculdade de philosphy)
- Website: link
- Contact: secretaria.facfil[at]braga.ucp.pt
- Address: College Square, 1 4710 – 297 Braga, Portugal
University of Minho(Universidade do Minho)
- Depart.: School of Psychology (Escola de Psicologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: secescola[at]psi.uminho.pt
- Address: Campus Gualtar, 4710-057 Braga, Portugal
University of Coimbra (Universitade de Coimbra)
- Depart.: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences (Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação)
- Website: link
- Contact: dir[at]fpce.uc.pt
- Address: R. Colégio Novo, 3000 Coimbra, Portugal
University of Beira Interior (Universidade da Beira Interior)
- Depart.: Psychology Department (Departamento de Psicologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: mgpe[at]ubi.pt
- Address: Convento de Sto. António, 6201-001 Covilhã, Portugal
University of Evora (Universidade de Evora)
- Depart.: Faculty of Psychology (Faculdade de Psicologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: uevora[at]uevora.pt
- Address: Largo dos Schoolgirls 2, 7004-516 Évora, Portugal
University of Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Universidade de Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro)
- Depart.: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Faculdade de Ciéncias humane e sociail)
- Website: link
- Contact: gmpgfchs[at]ualg.pt
- Address: Campus de Gambelas 8005-139 Faro, Portugal
University of Lisboa (Universidade de Lisboa)
- Depart.: Faculty of Psychology (Faculdade de Psicologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: geral[at]fp.ul.pt
- Address: Alameda da Universidade, 1649-013 Lisboa, Portugal
Autonomous University of Lisbon (Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa Luís de Camoes)
- Depart.: Psychology (Psicologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: callcenter[at]universidade-autonoma.pt
- Address: Rua de Santa Marta, nº 56 – 1169-023 Lisboa, Portugal
Institute of Applied Psychology (Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada)
- Depart.: Psychology (Psicologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: info[at]ispa.pt
- Address: Rua Jardim do Tabaco, 34, 1149-041 Lisboa, Portugal
Higher Institute of Labour Science and Business (Instituto Superior de Ciencias do Trabalho e da Empresa)
- Depart.: Psychology Department (Departamento de Psicologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: Secretariado.dpso[at]iscte.pl
- Address: Av.ª das Forças Armadas, 1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal
Instituto Superior Dom Afonso III
- Depart.: Psychology (Psicologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: noracavaco[at]hotmail.com
- Address: Holy Spirit Convent, 8100-641 Loulé, Portugal
University of Porto (Universidade do Porto)
- Depart.: Faculty of Psychology and Education Science (Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências de Educação)
- Website: link
- Contact: up[at]up.pt
- Address: Praça de Gomes Teixeira, 4050 Porto, Portugal
Porto International University (Universidade Internacional Porto)
- Depart.: Institute of Psychology and Educational Sciences (Instituto de psicologia e de Ciências de Educação)
- Website: link
- Contact: info[at]por.ulusiada.pt
- Address: Rua Dr. Lopo de Carvalho, 4369-006 Porto, Portugal
Portucalence University (Universidade Portucalence)
- Depart.: Department od Education ad Science Heritage (Departamento de Ciências da Educação e do Património)
- Website: link
- Contact: dcep[at]upt.pt
- Address: R. Dr. António Bernardino Almeida, 541, 4200-072 Port, Portugal
Portuguese Catholic University (Universidade Catolica Portuguesa)
- Depart.: Faculty of Education and Psychology (Faculdade de educação e Psicologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: s.academicos[at]porto.ucp.pt
- Address: Rua Diogo Botelho 1327, 4169 – 005, Port, Portugal
Piaget Institute (Instituto Piaget)
- Depart.: Campus Viseu – Psychology (Campus Viseu – Psicologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: info[at]viseu.ipiaget.org
- Address: 3515-776 Galifonge, Lordosa – Viseu, Portugal
General information
Student organization
- Cognosis or Federation of Psychology and Educational Sciences Student’s Association
- www.cognosis.ro
Ministry of Education
Organization of education system: 3 years Bachelor + 2 years Master
General languages of tuition: Romanian
Psychology degree offered in English: X
Approx. tuition fee per year (undergraduate level): 500 – 1000 €
Approx. tuition fee per year (postgraduate level): 200 – 500 €
Are the tuition fees different for non-EU or foreign students?: No
Approx. livings expenses: 0 – 200 €
ECTS: (some of them)
Exchange opportunities available:
How to become a licensed Psychologist
1) Graduate from a Bachelor’s programme in Social Studies
2) Graduate from Psychology Master’s programme
3) Practice under mentorship, and continue attending different forming classes in psychology to meet your credit requirements
4) Pass the license interview
To be licensed in Clinical Psychology must follow a master of this kind for 2 years and to sustain a dissertation on one specific area.
List of universities/departments
1 December 1918 University of Alba Iulia (“1 Decembrie 1918” Alba Iulia)
- Depart.: Psychology Department (Catedra de Psihologie)
- Website: link
- Contact: dppd@uab.ro
- Address: Nicolae Iorga, 510009 Alba Iulia, Romania
„Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad (Universitatea de Vest “Vasile Goldis” din Arad)
- Depart.: The Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences (Facultatii de Psihologie si Stiintele Educatiei)
- Website: link
- Contact: steduc@uvvg.ro
- Address: 1-3 Praporgescu Street Arad 310183 Romania
University ‘Transilvany’ of Brasov (Universitatea Transilvania din Brasov)
- Depart.: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences (Facultatea de Psihologie şi Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei)
- Website: link
- Contact: f-pse@unitbv.ro
- Address: Street Nicolae Balcescu, no. 56, 500019 Brasov, Romania
Titu Maiorescu University (Universitatea Titu Maiorescu)
- Depart.: Faculty of Psychology (Facultatea de Psihologie)
- Website: link
- Contact: psihologie@utm.ro
- Address: 187, Vacaresti Ave., sector 4, 040051, Bucharest, Romania
University of Bucharest (Universitatea din București)
- Depart.: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences (Facultatii de Psihologie si Stiintele Educatiei)
- Website: link
- Address: Sos. Panduri, 90, Bucuresti-Sector 5, Bucuresti, 50657, Romania
Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca (Universitatea Babes – Bolyai, Cluj – Napoca)
- Depart.: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences (Facultatea de Psihologie şi Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei)
- Website: link
- Contact: mmoteoc@yahoo.com
- Address: Str. Unions no. 7, Cluj-Napoca, 400029 Cluj, Romania
University of Iasi (Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza)
- Depart.: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences (Facultatea de Psihologie şi Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei)
- Website: link
- Contact: secretariat@psih.uaic.ro
- Address: Strada Toma Cozma, Iași, 700554, Romania
University of Oradea (Universitatea din Oradea)
- Depart.: Faculty of Social and Human Sciences (Facultatea de Stiinte Socio-Umane)
- Website: link
- Address: str. Universitatii, nr. 1 – Campus II, Oradea, Romania
West University Of Timisoara (Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara)
- Depart.: The Faculty of Sociology and Psychology (Facultatea de Sociologie şi Psihologie)
- Website: link
- Contact: steb@socio.uvt.ro
- Address: Blvd. V. Pârvan 4, Timişoara 300223, Timiş, România
General information
Student organization
- Stimulus
Ministry of Education
Organization of education system: 4 years Bachelor + 1 year Master
General languages of tuition: Serbian
Psychology degree offered in English: X
Approx. tuition fee per year (undergraduate level): 1000 – 2500 €
Approx. tuition fee per year (postgraduate level): 1000 – 2500 €
Are the tuition fees different for non-EU or foreign students?: Yes.
People from Serbia pay less than foreign students or don’t pay at all, but foreign students have higher fees. Tuition fee for them is from 1500 to 3500 euros depending on university.
Approx. livings expenses: 200 – 500 €
Exchange opportunities available:
How to become a licensed Psychologist
Bachelor degree and Masters degree in Clinical Psychology
List of universities/departments
University of Belgrade (Univerzitet u Beogradu)
- Depart.: Faculty of Phylosophy, Departement of Psychology (Filozofski fakultet, Odsek za psihologiju)
- Website: link
- Contact: info@f.bg.ac.rs
- Address: 18-20 Čika Ljubina Str., 11000 Belgrade
University of Niš (Univerzitet u Nišu)
- Depart.: Faculty of Phylosophy, Psychology (Filozofski fakultet, Psihologija)
- Website: link
- Contact: info@filfak.ni.ac.rs
- Address: Ćirila i Metodija 2
University of Novi Sad (Univerzitet u Novom Sadu)
- Depart.: Faculty of Phylosophy, Departement of Psychology (Filozofski fakultet, Odsek za psihologiju)
- Website: link
- Contact: sekretar@psihologija.edu.rs
- Address: Dr Zorana Điniđića 2, 21000 Novi Sad
University of Novi Pazar (Univerzitet u Novom Pazaru)
- Depart.: Departement of Philosophy Sciences (Departman za filozofske nauke)
- Website: link
- Contact: rektorat@np.ac.rs
- Address: Ulica Vuka Karadžiča bb
General information
Student organization
- Slovenská asociácia študentov a absolventov psychológie (SAŠAP)
- www.sasap.sk
Ministry of Education
Organization of education system: 3 years Bachelor + 2 years Master
General languages of tuition: Slovak language
Psychology degree offered in English: X
Approx. tuition fee per year (undergraduate level): 0
Approx. tuition fee per year (postgraduate level): 0
Are the tuition fees different for non-EU or foreign students?: No.
Approx. livings expenses: 200 – 500 €
Exchange opportunities available:
How to become a licensed Psychologist
You have to finish Masters. Then you have to work for 6 months on some clinic and than you can apply for certificate, which takes 3 years.
Finally after 3 years spend by doing your certificate (atestation) you become Clinical Psychologist.
List of universities/departments
Comenius University in Bratislava (Univerzita Komenského)
- Depart.: The Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences (Fakulta sociálno-ekonomických vied)
- Website: link
- Contact: julius.kundrat@fses.uniba.sk
- Address: Mlynské luhy 4, 821 05 Bratislava, Slovakia
Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre)
- Depart.: Faculty of Social Sciences and Health Care
- Website: link
- Contact: ukf@ukf.sk
- Address: Tr. A. Hlinku 1, SK – 949 74 Nitra, Slovakia
University of Presov (Prešovská univerzita v Prešove)
- Depart.: Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences (Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied)
- Website: link
- Contact: fhpvpu@unipo.sk
- Address: Ul. 17 novembra č. 1, 081 16 Prešov,Slovakia
General information
Student organization
- Psychology Students’ Association of Slovenia (DŠPS)
- www.dsps.si
Ministry of Education
Organization of education system: 3 years Bachelor + 2 years Master
General languages of tuition: Slovene
Psychology degree offered in English: X
Approx. tuition fee per year (undergraduate level): 0
Approx. tuition fee per year (postgraduate level): 0
Are the tuition fees different for non-EU or foreign students?: No
Approx. livings expenses: 200 – 500 €
ECTS: (some of them)
Exchange opportunities available:
How to become a licensed Psychologist
There is no license yet. You finish the masters and you can become a psychologist. But we are in the procese of getting the Europsy certificate.
List of universities/departments
Universyti of Primorska (Univerza na Primorskem)
- Depart.: FAMNIT, Biopsychology (FAMNIT, Biopsihologija)
- Website: link
- Contact: info@famnit.upr.si
- Address: Glagoljaška 8, 6000 Koper
University of Ljubljana (Univerza v Ljubljani)
- Depart.: Faculty of Arts, Department of Psychology (Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za psihologijo)
- Website: link
- Contact: info@ff.uni-lj.si
- Address: Aškerčeva 2, 1000 Ljubljana
General information
Student organization
- Colectivo de Estudiantes de Psicología (CEP-PIE)
- www.cep-pie.org
Ministry of Education
Organization of education system: 4 years Bachelor + 1 year Master, 4 years Bachelor + 2 years Master
General languages of tuition: Spanish, Catalan, Euskera and Galician. Depending on the region, but the Spanish is the most usual.
In Catalonia, Balearic Islands, Valencian Community, Basque Country, Galicia and Asturias is usual to have the regional languages mixed with Spanish.
Psychology degree offered in English: X
Maybe some courses, but not the full degree
Approx. tuition fee per year (undergraduate level): 1000 – 2500 €
Approx. tuition fee per year (postgraduate level): 2500 – 5000 €
Are the tuition fees different for non-EU or foreign students?: No.
Approx. livings expenses: 500 – 800 €
Exchange opportunities available:
How to become a licensed Psychologist
Bachelor + 1 year and a half Master programme or Bachelor + internship (4 years)
University of Castilla-La Mancha (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha)
- Depart.: Psychology Department (Departamento de Psicología)
- Website: link
- Contact: FcoJavier.Moral[at]uclm.es
- Address: Plaza de la Universidad , nº 3, 02071 – ALBACETE
Rey Juan Carlos University (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)
- Depart.: Faculty of Health Sciences (Facultat de Ciencias de la Salud)
- Website: link
- Contact: alcorcon.info[at]urjc.es
- Address: Avenida Athenas, s / n. 28922 Alcorcon, Spain
University of Barcelona (Universitat de Barcelona)
- Depart.: Faculty of Psychology (Facultat de psicologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: afersgenerals_psico[at]ub.edu
- Address: Pg. Vall d’Hebron, 171, 08035 Barcelona, Spain
University of the Balearic Islands (Universitat de les Illes Balears)
- Depart.: Faculty of Psychology (Facultat de psicologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: –
- Address: Barcelona, Spain
Ramon Llull University (Universitat Ramon Llull)
- Depart.: School of Psychology, Education Sciences and Sport (Facultat de Psicologia, Ciències de l’Educació i l’Esport)
- Website: link
- Contact: sioefpcee[at]blanquerna.url.edu
- Address: C / Cistercian, 34, 08022 Barcelona, Spain
Autonomous University of Barcelona (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona)
- Depart.: Faculty of Psychology (Facultat de psicologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: ga.psicologia[at]uab.cat
- Address: Campus de la UAB, 08193 Bellaterra, Spain
University of Deusto (Universidad de Duesto)
- Depart.: Faculty of Psycology and Education (Facultad de Psicología y Educación)
- Website: link
- Contact: –
- Address: Avda. de las Universidades 24, 48007 Bilbao, Spain
University of Cadiz (Universidad de Cádiz)
- Depart.: Faculty of Educational Sciences (Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación)
- Website: link
- Contact: decanato.educacion[at]uca.es
- Address: Real. Avda. República Saharaui, s/n, 11510, Puerto Real, Cádiz, Spain
Jaume I University (Universitat Jaume I)
- Depart.: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Facultat de Ciències Humanes i Socials)
- Website: link
- Contact: adm-psi[at]uji.es
- Address: Vicent Sos Baynes, s / n, 12071 Castellon de la Plana, Spain
University of Girona (Universitat de Girona)
- Depart.: Faculty of Education and Psychology (Facultat d’Educació i Psicologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: deg.educacio[at]udg.edu
- Address: Plaça Sant Domènec, 9, 17071 Girona, Spain
University of Granada (Universidad de Granada)
- Depart.: School of Psychology (Facultad de psicologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: decapsico[at]ugr.es, secrepsico[at]ugr.es
- Address: Campus Universitario de Cartuja s / n, 18071, Granada, Spain
University of Huelva (Universidad de Huelva)
- Depart.: Faculty of Educational Sciences (Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación)
- Website: link
- Contact: jfuentes[at]uhu.es
- Address: Avda. Tres de Marzo, S/N. 21071 Huelva, Spain
University of Laguna (Universidad de la Laguna)
- Depart.: Faculty of Psychology (Facultad de psicologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: fcpsic[at]ull.es
- Address: Campus de Guajara, 38071-La Laguna, Spain
University Of Lleida (Universidad de Lleida)
- Depart.: Faculty of Educational Sciences (Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación)
- Website: link
- Contact: deganat[at]fce.udl.cat
- Address: Av. de l’Estudi General, 4, E-25001 Lleida, Spain
Autonomous University of Madrid (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
- Depart.: School of Psychology (Faculdad de psicologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: secretariagrado.psicologia[at]uam.es
- Address: c / Ivan Pavlov, 6, Cantoblanco University City, 28049, Madrid, Spain
Complutense University of Madrid (Universidad Complutense Madrid)
- Depart.: Faculty of Psychology (Facultat de psicologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: –
- Address: Pozuelo de Alarcón, 28223, Madrid, Spain
National Distance Education University (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia)
- Depart.: School of psychology (Facultad de psicologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: decanato.psi[at]adm.uned.es
- Address: Calle Juan del Rosal, 10 28040 Madrid, Spain
University of Malaga (Universidad de Málaga)
- Depart.: Faculty of Psychology (Facultad de psicologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: psicologia[at]uma.es
- Address: Cámpus Teatinoss/n, 19071 Málaga, Spain
University of Murcia (Univercidad de Murcia)
- Depart.: School of psychology (Facultad de psicologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: facpsi[at]um.es
- Address: Espinardo Campus – 30100, Murcia, Spain
University of Oviedo (Universidad of Ovieda)
- Depart.: Faculty of Psychology (Facultad de psicologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: admpsico[at]correo.uniovi.es
- Address: Plaza Feijoo s/n 33003 Oviedo, Spain
University of Salamanca (Universidad de Salamanca)
- Depart.: Faculty of Psychology (Facultad de psicologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: dec.fps[at]usal.es
- Address: Avda. de la Merced 109-131. 37005 Salamanca, Spain
University of Pais Vasco (Universidad del País Vasco)
- Depart.: Faculty of Psychology (Facultad de psicologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: loli.alonso[at]ehu.es
- Address: Avenida Tolosa 70, 20018 Donostia – San Sebastián, Spain
University of Santiago de Compostela (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)
- Depart.: Faculty of Psychology (Facultad de psicologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: zpsideca[at]usc.es
- Address: Rúa Xosé María Suárez Núñez, s/n. Campus sur, 15782 Santiago de Compostela, Spain
IE University Campus (Campus de IE University)
- Depart.: Psychology (Psicologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: university[at]ie.edu
- Address: Cardenal Zúñiga, 12, 40003 Segovia. Spain
University of Sevilla (Universidad de Sevilla)
- Depart.: Faculty of Psychology (Facultad de psicologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: psijsecre[at]us.es
- Address: C/ Camilo Jose Cela s/n, 41018, Sevilla, Spain
Rovira I Virgili Tarragona University (Universitat Rovira I Virgili Tarragona)
- Depart.: Faculty of Educational Sciences (Facultat de Sciences de l’educació i psycologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: responsable.psic[at]urv.cat
- Address: Campus Sescelades – Ctra. de Valls, s/n 43007 Tarragona, Spain
University of Valencia (Universidad de Valencia)
- Depart.: Faculty of Psychology (Facultad de psicologia)
- Website: link
- Contact: fac.psicologia[at]uv.es
- Address: Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 21, 46010 València, Spain
University of Vic (Universitat de Vic)
- Depart.: Faculty of Education, Translation and Humanities (Facultat de Educación, Traducción y Humanidades)
- Website: link
- Contact: –
- Address: Sagrada Família, 7 08500 Vic,Spain
University of Zaragoza (Universidad de Zaragoza)
- Depart.: Faculty of Social and Human Sciences (Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas)
- Website: link
- Contact: jmartina[at]unizar.es
- Address: City School s / n, 44003 Teruel, Spain
General information
Student organization
- Psykologstudent Sverige (PS)
- www.psykologstudentsverige.org
Ministry of Education
Organization of education system: 3 years Bachelor + 2 years Master; Psykologprogrammet, which is a 5-year program in clinical psychology.
General languages of tuition: Swedish. Some courses are in English if the professor is not native speaker.
Psychology degree offered in English: X
Approx. tuition fee per year (undergraduate level): 0
Approx. tuition fee per year (postgraduate level): 0
Are the tuition fees different for non-EU or foreign students?: Yes.
Non-EU or EES students have to pay tuition, roughly about 30 000 Euro for a full masters’ or bachelors’ program in psychology.
Approx. livings expenses: 800 – 1000 €
Exchange opportunities available:
How to become a licensed Psychologist
In Sweden, psychologist is a protected professional title that may be used only by those who hold a licence to practise or is undergoing prescribed practical service. The Swedish training to become a psychologist consists of five years of higher education followed by one year of practical service.
-To become a licensed psychologist you have to attend the 5 year Professional Clinical Psychologist programme offered at ten universities in Sweden.
– One year practical internship under supervision by a licensed psychologist. This is called PTP.
If you have received your training in another EEA Member State* and want to work as a psychologist in Sweden, you need a formal recognition of your professional qualifications.
Gotenborg University (Göteborgs Universitet)
- Depart.: Psychology (Psychology)
- Website: link
- Contact: –
- Address: Haraldsgatan 1, 405 30 Göteborg, Sweden
Kristianstad University (Högskolan Kristianstad)
- Depart.: Psychology (Psykologi)
- Website: link
- Contact: gowert.masche[at]hkr.se
- Address: Elmetorpsvägen 15, 291 88 Kristianstad, Sweden
Lund University (Lunds Universitet)
- Depart.: Social Sciences (samhällsvetenskap)
- Website: link
- Contact: Per.Johnsson[at]psychology.lu.se
- Address: Paradisg. 5 P och Allhelgona Kyrkog. 14 O, 14 M
Malmo University (Malmö högskola)
- Depart.: Social Sciences (samhällsvetenskap)
- Website: link
- Contact: –
- Address: Matrosgatan 1 205 06 Malmö, Sweden
Orebro University (Örebro Universitet)
- Depart.: Fakultetsnämnden för humaniora och socialvetenskap
- Website: link
- Contact: utbildningsadm.JPS[at]oru.se
- Address: Fakultetsg. 1, 701 82 Örebro, Sweden
Mid Sweden University (Mittuniversitetet)
- Depart.: Social Sciences (samhällsvetenskap)
- Website: link
- Contact: andreas.karlsson[at]miun.se, kontakt.shv[at]miun.se
- Address: Kunskapensväg 1, Hus P, 831 25 Östersund, Sweden
Karolinska Institute (Karolinska Instiitutet)
- Depart.: Psychology program (Psykologprogrammet)
- Website: link
- Contact: pressinfo[at]ki.se
- Address: Solnavägen 1, Solna, 171 77 Stockholm, Sweden
Stockholm University (Stockholm Universitet)
- Depart.: Psykologiska institutionen (Psychology Institute)
- Website: link
- Contact: akewah[at]psychology.su.se
- Address: Frescati Hagväg 8 – 14, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
Mid Sweden University (Mittuniversitetet)
- Depart.: Social Sciences (samhällsvetenskap)
- Website: link
- Contact: andreas.karlsson[at]miun.se, kontakt.shv[at]miun.se
- Address: Holmgatan 10, Hus L, 851 70 Sundsvall, Sweden
Umea University (Umeå universitet)
- Depart.: Faculty of Social Sciences (Samhällsvetenskaplig fakultet)
- Website: link
- Contact: –
- Address: Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå, Sweden
Uppsla University (Uppsala Universitet)
- Depart.: Faculty of Social Sciences (Samhällsvetenskaplig fakultet)
- Website: link
- Contact: Anders.Berndt[at]uadm.uu.se
- Address: S:t Olofsg. 10B, 751 05 Uppsala, Sweden
General information
Student organization
- psyCH
- www.psynet.ch
Ministry of Education
Organization of education system: 3 years Bachelor + 2 years Master
General languages of tuition: German or French (masters often also in English)
But most often German + English or French + English are combined – so no “pure” English tracks (but you often just have to pass one or two courses in either French or German and the rest is in English (even the exam…))
Psychology degree offered in English: X
Approx. tuition fee per year (undergraduate level): 500 – 1000 €
Approx. tuition fee per year (postgraduate level): 500 – 1000 €
Are the tuition fees different for non-EU or foreign students?: Yes.
Tuition fees for foreign students will be around 1000-1500€ per year.
Just as guidance: the difference is between 150 (Uni Fribourg) to 500 (Uni Zurich)
Some even have no difference: i. e. Uni Lausanne and Geneva
Approx. livings expenses: 800 – 1000 €
Expenses for living always depend on the region. You can start with 800€ per month in less expensive regions like Fribourg, but this usually wont be enough.
Exchange opportunities available:
How to become a licensed Psychologist
We have a new law in Switzerland which says that we are only allowed to call us Psychologist if we have a Bachelor and a Master in Psychology from an university.
After a Masters Degree there is a 4 year apprenticeship, that has to be completed to become a clinical psychologist. It is completed next to the job (the lessons are typically Friday and Saturday). The cost is quite high (total around 40.000), but therefore you can expect to find a job that pays quite well 1-2 years into the apprenticeship (about 3-4.000 per month).
List of universities/departments
University of Basel (Universität Basel)
- Depart.: Departement of Psychology (Fakultät für Psychologie)
- Website: link
- Contact: info-psychologie@unibas.ch
- Address:Missionsstrasse 60/62, 4055 Basel
University of Bern (Universität Bern)
- Depart.: Departement of Psychology (Institut für Psychologie)
- Website: link
- Address: Fabrikstrasse 8, 3012 Bern
University of Fribourg (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg)
- Depart.: Departement of Psychology (Institut für Psychologie)
- Website: link
- Contact: studienberatung@psychologie.uni-freiburg.de
- Address: Engelbergerstr. 41, D-79085 Freiburg im Breisgau
University of Geneva (Université de Genève)
- Depart.: Psychology and Educational Sciences (Faculte de psychologie et des sciences de l’education)
- Website: link
- Address: 40, boulevard du Pont-d’Arve, 1211 GENEVE
Webster University
- Depart.: Psychology & Counseling
- Website: link
- Contact: admissions@webster.ch
- Address: Route de Collex 15, CH-1293 Bellevue
University of Lausanne (Université de Lausanne)
- Depart.: Psychology (Psychologie)
- Website: link
- Address: CH-1015 Lausanne
University of Neuchâtel (Université de Neuchâtel)
- Depart.: Departement of Psychology and Education (Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines, Institut de psychologie et éducation)
- Website: link
- Contact: secretariat.ipe@unine.ch
- Address: Esp. Louis-Agassiz 1, CH-2000 Neuchâtel
General information
Student organization
- Turkish Psychology Students Working Group (TPOCG)
- www.psikolog.org.tr
Ministry of Education
Organization of education system: 4 years Bachelor + 2 years Master
General languages of tuition: Turkish/English
Psychology degree offered in English:
boğaziçi university
bilkent university
koç university
izmir economy university
middle-east technical university
east mediterrean university
girne american university
international cyprus university
Approx. tuition fee per year (undergraduate level): more than 5000 €
Approx. tuition fee per year (postgraduate level): more than 5000 €
Are the tuition fees different for non-EU or foreign students?: Yes. It depends on the unversity fee’s differ from 0 to 12500 euro per year. University can offer you scholarship from 15% to 100%.
Approx. livings expenses: 500 – 800 €
ECTS: (some of them)
Exchange opportunities available:
How to become a licensed Psychologist
First you have to graduate from any kind of university (that law says but when you attend master’s degree they eliminate non-psychology graduates).
Then you have to finish master’s degree in clinical psychology.
General information
Student organization
- The British Psychological Society (BPS)
- www.bps.org.uk
Ministry of Education
Organization of education system: 3 years Bachelor + 1 year Master
General languages of tuition: English
Psychology degree offered in English:
Approx. tuition fee per year (undergraduate level): more than 5000 €
Approx. tuition fee per year (postgraduate level): more than 5000 €
Are the tuition fees different for non-EU or foreign students?: Yes.
Divided into EU and non EU.
Tutition fees vary across universities and differ according to the students status:
Currently approximately:
Undergraduate UK/EU: 3500 to 9000 pounds
Undergraduate International: more than 12000 pounds
Postgraduate UK/EU: more than 5000 pounds
Postgraduate International: more than 13000 pounds
Approx. livings expenses: 800 – 1000 €
ECTS: The credits awared for degrees or courses in UK can be translated into ECTS. Usually 2 UK credits = 1 ECTS credit
Exchange opportunities available:
How to become a licensed Psychologist
There are three options avaiblabe for working as a licensed psychologist:
1) Clinical Psychologist To become a clinical psychologist you need a (a) Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership (GBC) –> this is achieved by completing a Society accredited degree or conversion course and a (b) society accredited Doctorate in Clinical Psychology.
2) Counselling Psychologist To become a counselling psychologist you need a (a) Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership (GBC) –> this is achieved by completing a Society accredited degree or conversion course and a (b)Society accredited Doctorate in Counselling Psychology or the Society’s Qualification in Counselling Psychology
3) Psychological wellbeing practitioner – Psychological wellbeing practitioners (PWPs) work within the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) service. They provide high volume, low intensity interventions for clients with mild to moderate depression, based on a cognitive behavioural model. 1. Access is open to graduates and to those who can demonstrate that they can perform academically, at a graduate level. These trainees will then be trained to a post graduate certificate level 2. People from local communities, with a wide range of life experience. These trainees will be trained to a graduate level, having the same competences, but with a different academic qualification. Experience of working with people with mental health problems is essential. – Posts are advertised on the NHS Jobs website and locally within newspapers and local job sites –> more information: http://www.nhscareers.nhs.uk/explore-by-career/psychological-therapies/psychological-wellbeing-practitioner/
Study Abroad Databases
Masters in Psychology in Europe & UK
PhD Programs in Europe & UK
Travel Network
Well, let’s be honest, shall we? How cool is it to go to another place, make friends, create memories, and be hosted at a welcoming home for free? And how fun is it to make new friends across Europe by hosting them at your place for a day or a few?
EFPSA Travel Network offers you this amazing opportunity, in 5 simple steps!
- Open Facebook
First of all, make sure you have a look at our dedicated Facebook group right here: EFPSA Travel Network. The aim of this group is to facilitate travel for psychology students and alumni all around Europe!
- Become a member
When you request to become a member of the group, we will send you a message, kindly asking you to fill in a short survey. (Please check “Other Inbox” as well). This will give us the opportunity to screen people in this group and to see if we are all European psychology students and alumni and that our private information is not being shared with others. After you fill in the form and if you meet the criteria, we will accept you as a member.
- Find a host
When you wish to be hosted in a certain city, simply click on “Photos”, then “Albums”, then “Host Cities”. This album showcases the various cities in which psychology students from this Travel Network can be hosted by other psychology students. The album will be updated from time to time according to our database.
- Contact the host
In the photos of the cities, certain people are tagged. Those are the hosts. To get in touch with them, all you have to do is formulate a request, and post it as a comment on the photo of the city. After you get a reply from the host and that initial contact is made, you and that person can switch to messenger and have a conversation about what kind of place they offer, what is their availability and what are your expectations. It’s between you and your potential host after that point.
- Have fun and share your experience
We cannot wait to hear stories from you guys staying at each other’s places and having an amazing time! We invite you to share your awesome photos and stories about the places you stay in our Facebook group and always keep in mind you can also write an experience story for us. You can reach our Study Abroad responsible via staresponsible@efpsa.org if you want to write your experience.
Housing Anywhere is a platform where students can choose to rent out their rooms to other students. Therefore, if you are looking to move abroad for any reason you can use their service. Housing Anywhere is EFPSA’s accommodation partner. An EFPSA member or a psychology student who benefits from renting a flat or a room through HousingAnywhere will receive a 25% discount on Housing Anywhere's service fee. Yes, you heard it right, not only EFPSA members but also all psychology students will be able to benefit from this discount.
How to redeem this discount? It's easy, click here and follow the instructions.
EFPSA Exchanges (part of Study & Travel Abroad) is your helping hand when it comes to organising an exchange for your national or local psychology organisation. This service was founded in May 2016. A needs analysis was conducted and a report was compiled and presented. This determined how EFPSA Exchanges should function. Based on this information when two or more organisations approach our service and decide to have an EFPSA Exchange, they are given a handbook with guidelines on how to plan, prepare and execute an exchange. Skype meetings are conducted before and after the exchange and templates of feedback forms and information, booklets are also passed on for more facilitation.
You can reach us at exchanges@efpsa.org or sta@efpsa.org for all the questions or organisational support you need regarding organising an exchange.
After the success of the Internship Task Force, Internships were introduced in Study and Travel Abroad in 2017. As part of the service internship calls are open several times a year from different partner institutions around Europe, internships vary in period and time as well as voluntarily or paid. Once there is an internship call it will be published on our Facebook page
If you would like to know when the next internship call is or you would like to offer internships and become one of our partner institutions contact us on internships@efpsa.org or sta@efpsa.org.
Contact Study and Travel Abroad
Study and Travel Abroad is here to assist you in any way we can!
If you have any questions regarding studying psychology abroad within Europe, please feel free to contact our Study Abroad Responsible at staresponsible@efpsa.org.
If you are active in a member organisation of EFPSA and would like to know more about organising an exchange, feel free to get in touch with our Exchanges Responsible at exchanges@efpsa.org.
For questions or suggestions related to travelling, please reach out to our Travel Network Responsible at travel@efpsa.org.
For any internships suggestions or internship calls, you can contact our Internships Responsible at internships@efpsa.org.
For any general queries or to contact our coordinator reach out on sta@efpsa.org.
Always keep expanding your borders to reach new horizons!
Social Media
To reach more psychology students and to promote our services, we recognise the need to have STA members that take care of our Facebook and Instagram page. If you have questions about this or find something interesting that you think should be shared to the STA community then please contact our team member at stateam@efpsa.org or our coordinator at sta@efpsa.org.

Welcome to the EFPSA Training Office!
“You can not teach a man anything. You can only help him learn.“ - Galileo Galilei
What is a trainer?
Trainers support people who wish to develop professionally and personally, both individually and in groups. Training is an experiential and interactive way of learning, where the trainer brings together a group of participants to discover new knowledge together.
Mini quiz:
A trainer works | A trainer improves | Training is |
What do you think?
What do EFPSA Trainers do?
An EFPSA Trainers’ main responsibility is preparing active EFPSA members for the mandate and supporting them during it, assuring the well-functioning of EFPSA in general and providing a learning environment for active Psychology Students. EFPSA Trainers aim to give high quality, evidence-based trainings and strive to develop their participants also outside the training room. EFPSA trainers deliver trainings to national and local organisations, as well as to outside organisations. For example, in EFPSA we do team-building for teams, in local universities we train on soft skills and in external organizations we participate in events and contribute with our background in psychology.
Important values for EFPSA trainers are Quality, transparency, personal and professional development, change, respect, trust, learning as part of development and mobility of people willing to invest their time and energy into non formal education. There is also respect for the EFPSA values of integrity, organisational proficiency, European integration, diversity and the EFPSA Spirit.
What makes EFPSA Trainers different?
EFPSA Trainers are known in the training world for our background in psychology, our quality trainings and professionalism, as well as our motivation to contribute to the youth population. All EFPSA Trainers are psychology students and, thus, we deliver training sessions with a wide knowledge of how individuals and groups function.
Trainers Community
Becoming an EFPSA Trainers also means joining the ever growing EFPSA Community made of trainers with a psychology background from EFPSA’s Member Organisations. Being part of the EFPSA Community. This leads to:
- Becoming an official EFPSA Trainer andand therefore being legitimate to deliver on behalf of EFPSA at its internal events as well as external events of other NGOs’ such as BEST, EMSA, Zero Generation.
- Gaining access to all EFPSA Trainers mailing list and receiving information about trainers’ calls
- Opportunity to actively contribute to the development and professional image of the training system in EFPSA (webpage, blog etc.)
- Opportunity to apply for Training Office and start an adventurous year!
- Opportunity to become a mentor for new Trainer Candidates
- Possibility to order the personalised EFPSA Trainer hoodie and other trainer merchandise
- Joining the network of people with similar values, beliefs and interests to you
The first step to joining the Trainers’ Community is through joining the Pool through either becoming a Train the Trainers Summer School Graduate or applying as an external trainers. Both these have different requirements that need to be fulfilled before joining the Community. For further information please contact our Trainers' Community Responsible through trainerscom
The Training Office
The Training Office is a relatively new part of the EFPSA internal structure. It was founded during the mandate 2010/2011 by Daniel Lukas Rau and Dominika Szymanska based on their prior training experience and collaboration with other NGOs. The need for training in EFPSA became stringent as the organization grew and developed more. The increasing number of member countries, active members, services and products made it harder and harder for people to work together towards a common goal. Trainers aimed at supporting the growing organization by providing training sessions of EFPSA’s mission and vision. In addition, trainers helped teams and individuals be more motivated and efficient in their work for the organization. Nowadays, EFPSA trainers regularly work together with active EFPSA members by ensuring the sustainable development of the organisation.
Mission and Vision:
Development and change are the key elements that define EFPSA as a whole. The mission of the Training Office is to support the personal and professional development of EFPSA active members and the organisation as a whole and psychology students in its member countries. This is done in order to maintain stability in this growing and developing environment of volunteering psychology students.
Vision 1: EFPSA Trainings are recognised and valued inside and outside EFPSA
- Training Office is seen as a service that every EFPSA team goes to for support
- The trainers in the Trainers Pool are the main EFPSA ’’ambassadors” for external relations, meaning that together with the TO, they create and seek the interdisciplinary exchange and collaboration through the provision of service to different NGOs, institutions and companies
- Enhance the quality of EFPSA Trainings by making them more evidence based and reliable
- Enhancing the professional trainers’ image
- Unite with other European Trainers
Vision 2: Non-formal education becoming part of lifelong learning to create a more skilled and self aware society in Europe
- Trainings being a bridge between psychology professionals and psychology students
- Meet the training needs of psychology students all over Europe by using non-formal education as a mean for learning and developing on a personal and professional level.
- Encouraging Trainers to share the values of non-formal education in their countries through campaigns, open trainings, National TtTs and Training Offices
- Collaborating with NGOs to raise awareness about NFE, therefore enhancing bottom-up and top-down change
Vision 3: EFPSA Training System supporting the success of EFPSA and its members
- Support EFPSA’s development by developing quality trainers to prepare active members for the mandate and support them throughout, as well as assuring the well-functioning of EFPSA in general and providing a learning environment for active psychology students.
- Sustainable and professional growth of the EFPSA Training System and community of trainers so as to meet the needs of EFPSA and its psychology student members, to create better skilled psychologists
- Support Trainers on their journey and create opportunities for professional and self developmental growth
- Intergenerational collaboration through support between experienced trainers and new candidates
- Encouraging the creativity, fun and flow of EFPSA Trainers in their trainings
- Create a more active Trainers' Community through connectedness and a clearer structure
The Training Office consists of six members.
- Training Office Coordinator: To maintain and develop the training system in EFPSA
- External Training Responsible: Creating and facilitating cooperation with other organisations in the training field and raising awareness about trainings on national level
- Internal Training Responsible: Facilitating support, cooperation and communication between the trainers in EFPSA’s Trainers’ Community and the EFPSA Working Community
- Trainers’ Community Responsible: Facilitating cooperation and communication between the trainers in EFPSA’s Trainers’ Community and developing EFPSA’s Training System
- Training Image Responsible: To create the professional and sustainable image of EFPSA Training
- Training Events Responsible: To oversee the EFPSA Training Events and ensuring the quality
The EFPSA Trainers Pool is an external training body, which is supervised by the Training Office. It consists of official EFPSA Trainers, who deliver trainings during internal EFPSA events on the request of the TO, in Member Organisations and during external events organised in cooperation with student NGO training entities.
Training Events
The Training Office organises five Training Events:
Meet the Training Office
Training for students
Local and national level
Serving psychology students is one of the core goals of EFPSA. EFPSA Trainers and Trainer Candidates (i.e., TtT graduates) contribute to that goal by delivering training sessions in their National and Local Organizations. Our trainers also travel to other countries to deliver in local and national events.
When a National or a Local Organisation discovers a need (to gain knowledge, skills or attitudes), it can request a training session on a certain topic to reach these goals. The request can go directly to the local trainer or to the Training Office. A trainer can also suggest a topic to the organisation, which mostly happens when the Trainer Candidates are collecting training hours to enter the Trainers Pool. In addition, every fall, EFPSA organises an event called EFPSA Day – a day to promote EFPSA all over Europe. On EFPSA Day, many EFPSA Trainers and Trainer Candidates deliver training sessions for local psychology students at their universities.
A few examples of common training session topics among our trainers: team-building, motivation, time management, public speaking and communication.
External collaboration
What does “external work” of EFPSA trainers mean? Our external work usually revolves around events where we can deliver with trainers from other NGOs. These events can be either organized by EFPSA or by other such organizations. One of the biggest external events that brings together the most EFPSA trainers is Leadership Summer School, where some of our trainers have coordinated teams of 16 trainers. Also, Youth Trainers Academy, Parkinson Disease Summer School and BEST events are on our precious list of events where EFPSA trainers have delivered. Next to these, another opportunity for EFPSA trainers to meet external trainers is provided by TRAMs. TRAC and TRAM are self-organised events aimed towards trainer’s second education. The topics are all related to training and building skills that trainers need. Anyone who is a trainer can join! They are hosted in local people’s houses. The organizers have to find a space where trainings can be delivered (can be somebody’s home) and to propose a topic and create the agenda. The participants deliver the sessions to each other.
Since the beginning of the Training Office in EFPSA, the TO has had multiple collaborations with other NGOs and their respective Training Offices and delivered in external events of external NGOs like BEST, AIESEC, EMSA, AEGEE, ZeroGeneration and others.
EFPSA trainers are well-known in the European training field and wanted for their professionalism, ethics, their background in psychology and for their wish to contribute to the youth population. Moreover, Training Office has a written collaboration with TiGro Management, the training system of BEST and is in the process of building other written agreements.
Trainers Pool
EFPSA Trainers Pool is a selection of trainers whose quality has been evaluated and approved by the Training Office. Only these trainers are qualified to deliver for EFPSA within and outside of the organization under the title of EFPSA Trainer.
The first step in Joining the EFPSA Trainers Pool is to participate at an EFPSA Train the Trainers (TtT) event or an equivalent trainers education (the evaluation of which is subject of the Training Office). After successful graduation from the TtT you will be asked to deliver 10 hours of training and a documentation containing session outlines, training reports, motivation letter and training portfolio (in English) to the Training Office.
You will receive feedback on your application and be informed whether or not you have been accepted into the Trainers Pool. Through this you can then deliver in the name of EFPSA, access training calls and be active within our Training Community.
Training Office: trainingoffice@efpsa.
Training Office Coordinator: trainings@efpsa.
External Training Responsible: externaltraining@efpsa.org
Internal Training Responsible: internaltraining@
Trainer’s Community Responsible: trainerscommunit
Training Events Responsible: trainingevents@
Training Image Responsible: trainingimage@