The Call for the EFPSA’s Board 2023 – 2024 is now open!

January 17, 2023 secretary 0 Comments


The Call for the European Federation of Psychology Students’ Associations Board 2023 – 2024 is now open!

Joining the Board of EFPSA is a unique opportunity to lead Europe’s biggest psychology students’ federation. Board members go through enormous personal and professional development, acquiring soft and hard-skills in an international working environment. Next to that, you will build a great international network of students and professionals, you will get the chance to work on impactful projects, attend EFPSA Events and external events, and you will be able to improve EFPSA’s activities and introduce new working practices!

Role Descriptions

All information regarding the purpose, main responsibilities, tasks, requirements and time investment for each role within the Board are found within the Role Description Documents. Additionally, you can find a document outlining the collective responsibilities and functions that apply to all the members of the Board together with a General Prerequisites Document that applies to all members of EFPSA’s Working Community.

EFPSA’s Mission

EFPSA’s mission is to bring psychology students together on a European level to enrich their concept and application of psychology and encourage skill development in order to contribute to the improvement of the field; have a positive impact on society and its perception of psychology; support scientific and social interaction and cultural exchange between psychology students, academics and professionals. Does this sound interesting to you?

Contact information

In order to get further insight into the position and to clear out any queries, individuals interested in applying for the Board are encouraged to contact the person currently holding the position they are interested in. You can find information regarding current Board members and their email addresses below.


The Board 2022-2023
Veronika Kocmanová
Helin İklim ŞahinerVice
Andre MifsudSecretary
Milica AntićFinance
Celeste AwereMember Representatives
Maria Rapazote TeixeiraEvents
N/AAcademic Affairs

Application Procedure

Kindly fill in and send your completed application form along with a copy of your CV and proof of studies to the Immediate Past President, Deianara Couwet,  at by no later than Sunday, 12th of February 2023, 23:59 (CET). Additional submission details can be found within the application form itself.

Please note that an individual may apply for more than one Board position. The election procedure at the General Assembly will go according to the following order: President, Vice President, Secretary General, Finance Officer, Marketing Officer, Member Representatives Officer, Events Officer and Academic Affairs Officer. If elected for a position, one’s candidacy for the subsequent position will not be taken into further consideration.

Additional Information

  • Applicants are required to give a speech at the General Assembly II at the EFPSA Congress.
  • The applications will not be seen prior to the deadline.
  • The applications will be seen and reviewed by the Working Community of EFPSA who create the Voting Body at the General Assembly.
  • Only psychology students or those who graduated from a psychology course no longer than two years ago are eligible for these positions.
  • If you have questions concerning the application procedure, please contact the Board via


We are looking forward to receiving your applications!

Kind regards,

The Board 2022–2023